


4 years, 11 months ago


Basic Info:


Name (First, Middle, Last): Eizen

Gender: M

Age: 29

Race: Human

Date of Birth (MM/D): N/A

Occupation: Guardian

Relationship(s): Arialle (friend)

Personality: N/A

Hobbies: N/A

Likes: N/A

Dislikes: N/A

Family: N/A

Bio: Eizen is a skilled omnyouji who grew up in a noble household. Around the age of 21, he met a wonderful woman and ended up marrying her. They wanted to have a child together but found out his wife was physically incapable of having a child. The news made her depressed and put her in a bad spot which led to her committing suicide. Eizen became devastated and constantly blames himself for her death. As a way to atone, he enlisted himself to the palace of his hometown and became a personal guard and caretaker of the princess. He had taken care of her for almost 6 years. When she was sent off by her parents to get married, Eizen wanted to follow and protect her but he was not allowed to. So, he decided to leave the palace and wander about as he felt he had no purpose there anymore. For months, he wandered until he suddenly ran into the princess one day. She found herself in a precarious situation and made it his duty to help her solve it.

Physical Appearance:


Height: -

Weight: -

Skin color: -

Hair color: -

Eye color: -

Markings (Tattoos, scars, etc.): -

Attire (shirt, pants, shoes, etc.): -

Accessories (bags, jewelry, hat, etc.): -


Other Info:


Image: -

RP Type: -

Date of Adoption: 6/11/19

Obtained?: Through custom raffle

Personal Comment: Thought I would make him a more older and wiser person since I need more older adults. c: Hope to add more about him in the future once I figure out how to make stories. xD