


4 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Xarcis Livingstone Futharkspine


The Archivist
Ordinary God of Magic and Journeys


Any Pronouns (Genderfluid)



Age / Birthday

Timeless (2 Billion) / May 24th (Creation) / ??? (Begining of Xarcis)


Familiar (Formerly) (Ordinary God) (Realean Dragon God)




Elder God of the Mind (Creator)
3002472?1578847615Mamund (Husband) 7593860?1595160414 Ranka (Wife) Deity of Bonds (Partner)
Idėja (Son)
Future Child (Future Child)


Xarcis has a love for magic, history and seeing people and the world.

Xarcis' Bonds:

Mamund: He was met during the final steps of Xarcis' journey to find the truth and something happened that had never happened in all his 2 billion years of searching for the truth... She related with someone's plight and Mamund related with Xarcis' as well. They both were searching for something that they believed was nearly hopeless to find, yet they kept going anyway. But through sheer chance not only did they relate, they were the reasons they were able to both find what they were looking for. If it wasn't for Xarcis, Mamund would've never found his 3 friends and saved them. If it wasn't for Mamund, Xarcis would've never been put on the right track to finally find out her past. They quickly grew smitten with each other relating not only with their pasts but their fondness of sorcery and traveling. Mamund would then support him all the way from that point on.

Ranka: After regaining their full memories, Xarcis remembered everything. She remembered being a familiar but they never felt like one being with Ranka. They then remembered how they deeply loved her but he was to scared to confess at the time before events transpired. After they got their memories back with Ranka they made sure Ranka got to see Idėja she quickly after confessed his love. Xarcis had grown a lot in those 2 billion years and with that came many things but most importantly was confidence. A completely warranted self confidence in following her heart and being confident that Ranka shared that feeling. Which she did, they both just hadn't had the courage to confess it yet to the other. Xarcis hadn't fully explored their sexuality before she had lost her memories particularly with her feminine side so she loves trying Ranka's fashion. Though Ranka says it's not much everyone knows Ranka's a natural fashion queen without even trying. Xarcis is always excited to be able to divulge new history and past lore that's they've found to her and the others as Xarcis very closely works with the Historians Institute for many obvious reasons. Anytime Ranka travels with Xarcis it reminds him of all the time they spent together and it makes him so happy to discover new things and see sights with her. They could probably talk endlessly about all the history and information they've learned about places.

Idėja: After regaining their full memories, Xarcis remembered how happy she was to be able to raise Idėja with Ranka. Because of Ranka, Xarcis had grown as fond of the idea as her to raise a child. Whenever finally meeting him again for the first time with Ranka they explain to them and say. "I know we all lost a lot of time apart but I hope I can finally be your father now and show you all the wonders of the world that I never got a chance to show you." Contrary to what one might think Xarcis thinks it's so cool that Idėja can completely nullify magic and is happy to see how he's grown. (Xarcis knows more then anyone that no matter how old or long you've lived there's room to grow and learn and she's so excited for not only what he can show Idėja but for what Idėja can show her.) While they act like they don't care much it's easy to tell how excited he gets about stuff Xarcis does or talks about. Xarcis loves donating and or just giving stuff she finds to Idéja for the museum and is very proud of them in general for following in the steps of his family but also for holding strong while Ranka and Xarcis were "gone" all that time. Xarcis also got a book of endless pages custom made for Idéja.

Everyone: Xarcis is extremely happy with his family. They are so excited to go on adventures together with all of them. Of course they all have their own stuff they do on their own time but it makes the family adventures and romantic time all the sweeter for what Xarcis considers the happiest life she could ever dream to have.

Xarcis and their family saw the Elder God of the Mind and he proclaimed that Xarcis was far beyond the familiar they had originally been created for and while this was never the gods intention at the beginning saw that through all the trials overcome, friends made, family gained and shows of character proved Xarcis was far and beyond worthy of being an Ordinary God and became the Ordinary God of Magic and Journeys.

  • Xarcis, outside of Idėja probably cares about fashion the most out of the other two, though that being said she really doesn't care to much and simply likes what looks good and or is comfortable in. Xarcis likes traditional Futharkspine fashion so much because it qualifies for this and upon getting their memories back realized how much they missed it. Especially because she remembered and then saw how good Ranka always looked in it.
  • Xarcis has an immense amount empathy that has never wavered in her life. They used to think of it almost as a curse in his earlier days but has grown to truly embrace it, caring deeply for the companions she meets and wanting to protect them. Xarcis' empathy and compassion possibly rivals that og the Elder God of The Mind's.
  • His love for history and traveling developed because of Ranka but their love for magic was something they grew a passion for after their "time apart."
  • Xarcis tends to always limit her true power and when traveling alone also likes to obscure their identity. While Xarcis wouldn't mind being recognized and even enjoys if people can put the pieces together they prefer not to draw unnecessary attention on their travels and will only bring out more power if necessary. Though if traveling with any family Xarcis doesn't try to hide as much. Still limiting his power but not much else.  
  • Xarcis has different pagan symbols on their tail to represent their experiences. He got them when ascending to godhood. Drawing similarities to how Ranka has runes on her body. The double cross, The Jumis horses, the grass snake, the angled sun, the symbol of Ragana.
  • May 24th - The Archivists Creation Following Ranka's age
    Sometime Between End of November and End of December - Birth of "Xarcis"
  • Were they to have a child a possible name that would be given would be "Torija" based on the Lithuanian word for history