Lesath Morode



4 years, 9 months ago


Your name is LESATH MORODE and you are kind of a big deal.

At least, you think you are. And that may be true with the small  portion of trolls who listen to the radio when they ought to be  sleeping. That’s right you are a RADIO TALK SHOW HOST and DJ, although  truthfully most of the music you play is your own. After all you have a  Fender Hemocaster STRINGED INSTRUMENT that you play quite well. Why  shouldn’t your listeners hear it?

Besides your SWEET RIFFS people also tune into you for your great  RELATIONSHIP ADVICE and discussions of the OCCULT and PARANORMAL. You  love hearing lurid tales of people’s sordid quadrant drama, almost as  much as you love giving them condescending advice about how to fix their  broken relationships. As for the OCCULT you weren’t very interested  when you started your show, but people kept calling with stories, and  you’ve sort of made it your mission to DEBUNK their BULLSHIT.

Your trolltag is savageHatecast and you have a tendency to '''A''' broadcast important messages.

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