she's really cute, would you consider 20$ + something from my th outside saved and holy grail :D

I really liked these four, would you possibly be down to do the $20 + two of them ? Whichever two you can pick ❤

Beartic and Honey would be the most likely to be accepted ! ! !

I'm glad you liked them! However I think I value them more than being able to give two fo them plus 20$, if no one else interest you, would you consider then 40$?

Hm.. If I'm going to resell her I'd prefer to do it for the full $55 she's worth.. but I'll think about it ♡

Heya! Would you still be interested in purchasing for the $40? ♡

I'd love to! can I have your paypal?

Sure thing ! ! I'll dm it to you ❤