


4 years, 11 months ago




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Phantom of Persal Sea

Name Leucas
Status Alive
Age 120 years
Race Anchii / Drich
Gender Man (he/him)
Height 5'11" FT / 180.3 CM
Build Ectomorph
Crime Vandalism, Theft, & Treason
Theme tba


Leucas has made quite a reputation for himself as a thief, a stealer of riches and hearts alike, far throughout the Persal Sea and the waters beyond. He is currently wanted for having stolen the second prince of the royal Syreni family. Or so the rumor goes...


Leucas enjoys greatly the reputation he garnered for himself, and never tires of hearing what new story the aquarian’s have concocted for him next. Whether true or impossible on all accounts, he will always stop to listen to tales of the Phantom of Persal Sea. Actually, the more absurd the story the more it fuels his own need to live up to the expectations of those telling the story, leading to some dangerous close calls on his part. Underneath the bravado and conceit, however, Lecuas has a yearning — an addiction — of being spoken of for fear he will be forgotten completely. Truly and irredeemably lost.

Despite his reputation of being a heartbreaker, a swindler, a ghost lurking underneath the bed, (all which he encourages by the way,) Leucas shows a kink in his persona. The loud and very sharp thief being well known by those few close to him, for his soft side. Especially towards those who also feel out of place. Lost. Even to those who end up on his bad side describe him as “quick to temper, quicker to calm.”


Cras vitae ligula interdum, sagittis mi vel, vehicula ligula. Pellentesque viverra tempor vulputate. Proin auctor elit eu odio ullamcorper, venenatis rutrum dui lobortis. Proin sit amet tortor eros. Mauris rhoncus consequat pretium. Duis neque velit, eleifend sit amet auctor eu, accumsan non velit. Vivamus eget blandit dolor. Nam faucibus laoreet turpis, in euismod nisl dictum in. Suspendisse laoreet tristique porta. Mauris mi orci, convallis placerat massa ac, congue rhoncus lectus.

Aenean pharetra ullamcorper felis, sed pulvinar justo iaculis in. Proin iaculis urna non arcu iaculis, ut imperdiet eros eleifend. Mauris non augue fermentum, aliquam purus in, commodo sapien. Morbi scelerisque, tellus non ultricies blandit, justo tellus malesuada libero, nec fringilla enim diam vitae mauris. Duis eget aliquet libero, at pharetra turpis. Maecenas convallis ornare ex vel tempus. Nullam pellentesque luctus ipsum sit amet rutrum.


Leucas was born into a typical aquarian home with a loving family, living a uneventful but blissful life, until he was kidnapped by pirates. He had been taken in by the crew who taught young Leucas that it was a blessing each day they did not kill him. Under their care, if one could call it that, he learned to fight and to steal. Still Leucas’ young spirit still longed for freedom and he attempted to create several opportunities to escape. Each attempt a little more successful then the last until finally he had broken himself free from their control.

However, young Leucas had no means or knowledge on how to get home. It had been decades since he last saw his family’s faces or swam through the kelp forests. Any specific information other then a few faint memories almost completely faded by now, leaving him without direction. Regardless, young Leucas remained determined. He would return home. He would make sure of it.

Leucas put the lessons the pirates had given him to great use. Stealing everything he had to in order to survive, and few things that maybe weren’t necessary, but really who would miss them? As time passed, Lecuas’ stealing became less out of necessity and more out of greed. He started building a reputation and a name for himself that seemed to carry on the current. Aquarian’s he had never met before knew him by name and rumors, mostly untrue, spread widely of who he was and how he came to be. The attention started to fill a need that had long since been deprived by the lack of attention he had gotten since kidnapped from his family and at the neglection of the pirates. His original purpose of finding his way back home started to fade, almost completely forgotten, like the memories he had of his family and home. Instead, he worked to outdo himself. Becoming a name that filled bars and rooms with adventure and mystery; that were used to scare children from misbehaving.











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Fun Facts

  • It is childish and naive, but if Lecuas is being honest with himself, he hopes that by the spread of his name then maybe... just maybe, his family will hear it and will find him.
  • His favorite color is purple — the color of Amara’s scales.

Design Notes

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla dignissim lectus quis diam rutrum mattis.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla dignissim lectus quis diam rutrum mattis.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla dignissim lectus quis diam rutrum mattis.

Amara Syreni

Alleged hostage of the Phantom of the Persal Sea who has been brainwashed into a life of crime. They're actually boyfwends.


Character Name

Relationship words go here. Aenean pharetra ullamcorper felis, sed pulvinar justo iaculis in. Proin iaculis urna non arcu iaculis, ut imperdiet


Character Name

Relationship words go here. Aenean pharetra ullamcorper felis, sed pulvinar justo iaculis in. Proin iaculis urna non arcu iaculis, ut imperdiet


Character Name

Relationship words go here. Aenean pharetra ullamcorper felis, sed pulvinar justo iaculis in. Proin iaculis urna non arcu iaculis, ut imperdiet


Character Name

Relationship words go here. Aenean pharetra ullamcorper felis, sed pulvinar justo iaculis in. Proin iaculis urna non arcu iaculis, ut imperdiet


Character Name

Relationship words go here. Aenean pharetra ullamcorper felis, sed pulvinar justo iaculis in. Proin iaculis urna non arcu iaculis, ut imperdiet

REWARD: $150,000,000