


7 years, 11 months ago



Name: Sharla Elisabetta Fins, goes by Elisabetta Nicknames: Lis, Betta, Bella, Betty Age: 19 Gender/Sex: Female Sexual Orientation: Bi, though leans more toward men Height: 5'3 Weight: Classified Species: Aquathite (Closed species by Kiraplix Personality: A little demanding, likes to be treated like a princess. Hates being reminded of her shortness, though sometimes takes advantage of peoples willingness to help her. Despite her seemingly selfish attitude, she is actually rather generous and enjoys surprising others with gifts. More info: Uses sign language to speak with her land friends, and sometimes a pen and paper. Otherwise she uses soundwaves, similarly to how bats, whales and dolphins do. Elisabetta dislikes her first name, Sharla, and tends to introduce herself as Elisabetta. Loves to wear frilly, girly clothes when going out on the shore, and mostly cute swimsuits when underwater. Hates hot days when the sun is shining brightly, as she dries faster that way, and drying is bad for a creature made fully of liquid. Does not like anyone touching her fins, as they are quite sensitive. Aquathites live underwater, and cannot stay on land for much longer than a week at most. More info of Elisabetta's home and such when more info of the species gets out <3 Likes: Cute things, Pretty and frilly clothes, lace, Pearls, Stormy nights, Watching the Sunset, buttons. Dislikes: Trash, pollution, Annoyingly loud party people, Being messy Relationships: Friends - Skye Lover - None so far Family - None so far? Aquathite (Closed Species) © Kiraplix



