Rock Dog



4 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info

The Name that was Given:

Rock Dog


Shattered Dog, Rocky, or R-dog






A character involved with Zayen's story and also another character unrevealed for now. This page will be updated whenever I create that character. Thank you for your patience. <- Old story


At first R-dog isn't quite sure who he is or what he is but he does knows he doesn't like the place he's at now. With a bit of luck he finds a way out from the 'scary place' and goes searching for someone to help him. This someone ends up being a unicorn by the name of Mort, and at first he's freaked out by the strange seemingly magic dog talking to him and tells him to go look for somebody else. After a bit of begging from our rock fido, Mort lets him stay the night. At this time R-dog still remains unnamed and eventually Mort asks him for it, to which R-dog tells him to make a name for him. He decides to 'affectionately' name him "Rock Dog" because "I'm not good at naming things". Rock Dog of course, is very happy about this. And thus..... A strange story starts here. 


He's pretty much the very characterization of a loyal and friendly dog except now he can walk on two legs and talk to you. He's also very protective of anyone he considers a friend and will even take hits for them even if it ends up with him being broken apart. He's also very affectionate but unfortunately being a rock dog equals not being very fun to cuddle. He's the kind of dog that enjoys doing almost anything as long as it's with someone they love. 

Fun Facts

  • Breaks apart a little easier than you'd expect but don't worry he easily comes back together!
  • Loves to eat even though he doesn't really need too.... 
  • His eyes can flicker and change to almost any color. His body remains the same but hey it glistens in the light!
  • He loves to be picked up, for some reason that makes him really happy.