
4 years, 10 months ago


A ghost who follows Mania around semi-unwillingly, as he'll be hurt if he moves too far away from her. He often sticks around her to keep her company and hopes she isn't annoyed with him. Though he knows she doesn't need it, he'll protect her if she's attacked.

In general, he's pretty snarky and likes to joke around, even if he's usually depressed.

He's lost most of his memories and can't pass on because of it. He remembers bits and pieces of his life, like his girlfriend, but most of his memories are blurry or vague. Sometimes, memories will trigger in certain similar situations or because of an object or place.

He's physically 19 and was murdered in his first year of college. Because of this, he laments that he wishes he could've lived his life before it was taken from him, and is frustrated that he can't even remember most of what little life he lived.

Yoko isn't his real name, but he can't remember what it is, and only goes by "Yoko" because Melchiorre gave him the name as an excuse to call him something other than "Cat." He'll go by Cat sometimes, but prefers Yoko because it sounds more like a name. He was given this name before he met Mania and hasn't spoken to Melchiorre since meeting her.

He can touch things or faze through them at will. His legs can also dissipate and reform at will.