


4 years, 10 months ago


Goddess of Death
hushed . edgy . affectionate

Atarah's story is full of twists and turns, and how love is worth even the greatest risk. She's human and makes mistakes, despite being a goddess, and has very human characteristics. Despite her goth and snappy exterior, a certain ball of sunshine can lift her mood right up.

Atarah is easily flustered and is very in love with her soulmate, Theia, the goddess of life. They're easily one of my favorite ships and characters, the way Atarah deals with her anxiety and inner thoughts speaks to me. Her theme song is Still Don't Know My Name by Eurphoia from HBO and her voice claim is Rue from Euphoria. Worth: $105.


  • Theia
  • Serene beauty
  • Autumn

  • Her thoughts
  • Worrying Theia
  • Shouting
No, really. All I create is death, and my eyes reflect that. I’m afraid you’ll think I’m ugly and..and I’ll lose you.

  • A new sprig of ivy sprouts every time an eventful thing happens in her life
  • She was named by Theia, although she and her shadow had a name beforehand that's long forgotten
  • She's immortal to anything but herself
Design Notes

  • Pupils made of liquid gold
  • Forked tongue
  • Tears and blood are gold

Atarah was born at the creation of time. The creator made two beings, a goddess of death and a goddess of life. They were already born at an adult age, although they were discovering the meaning of life for the first time. She learnt to melt into the shadows and adjust to the quiet.

Because of this, she never spoke and gave a name to herself. She also gave a name to her shadow, which was her only friend. She has long forgotten the names, or so she says. Either way, she refuses to repeat them, out of truthfulness or ignorance.


One day, Atarah stumbled onto the goddess of life, Theia. They gave each other their names, creating a deep bond. Because of this, they continually met up and slowly fell for one another. It was centuries before Atarah even admitted to having anything but platonic feelings for Theia.

When she began falling for Theia, she said goodbye to her shadow. Of course, it was only theoretically speaking as her shadow would always be there. Because of this, she grew much happier and feel for Theia, her soul softening at the presence of the ball of sunshine.


One day, however, the creator spoke to Atarah. They told her the goddess of death could know no love, as the goddess of life would only be drained by a leech. This happens after Atarah and Theia confess to one another, both ending in purring and a night of whispering sweet nothings. Afraid the creator was right, she went to Theia and reluctantly told her the news. She told her they couldn't be with another anymore, and held back the fact the creator told her all this. Theia, heartbroken, started a large argument that left them both in tears.

And once again, she was all by herself. Her shadow returned, and she did her job duitifully. Loneliness and depression swamped her, sending her into a paranoid state. She hears that her ex-girlfriend had fallen to earth and became a fallen angel after their argument. She goes down below to save her and finds out she's in an animal testing facility. Atarah breaks in with her ex's earth friends and they save her, but it's too late. When they made it out, Atarah had to cut her string, but with that she cut her own. The two die together and the earth friends bury the two lovers. From their graves a large golden rose and a black wilted one comes up, intertwined with each other. No one dares cut them, or even try, as centuries later they still stand.


  • The creator makes two goddesses, the goddess of death (Atarah) and the goddess of life (Theia).
  • Atarah wanders the land alone until she meets Theia.
  • The two fall for one another before the creator breaks them up.
  • Atarah saves her ex from pain and suffering, giving her soul to the earth to join her dead love.
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