
**Currently in development/work in progress!** Designed by River Rain on Chicken Smoothie! -- Thread of Chaos Twins

Name: Ego (''ee-goh'' - purple head) and Eggo (''eh-goh'' - tan head)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: N/A
Species: Conjoined Funtime Animatronic
Personality: x
Height: 8 hands tall
Weight: 85lbs
Relations: N/A
Family: N/A
Work/Job: FNaF Universe -- wip
Who is their best friend?: Ego's best friend is Eggo, and Eggo's best friend is Ego.
What is their biggest dream?: x
What is their favorite item?: x
What is their favorite weather?: x
What is their favorite season?: x
What is their favorite food?: x
Do they have a Favorite holiday?: x
Do they have a favorite activity?: x
Theme song: x
Voice claim (OC headcanon): x
Quote: x


Animatronic's Build Date : 1988
Animatronic's Type : Funtime
Animatronic's Location : WIP
Animatronic's Speed : 32 kph
Animatronic's Sensitivities : Fast and rapid motions, possibly vibration as well, however; further testing is required
Animatronic's Strengths : Ability to move quickly through vents, lurks and hides in the shadows on the ground.
Animatronic's Weaknesses : Sound frequencies above 25,000 hertz and slow movements
Animatronic's Role : WIP

Animatronic Description :

"EGO and EGGO : A silly looking two-headed creature, the left head has a working right eye and a missing left eye whereas the right head has a working left eye and a missing right eye. Somehow together they manage to stand on six legs which consist of two front legs on both sides and one back leg on each side. They rely on each other to navigate their way around. It is rumored that their tongues are also their tails but actual proof has not yet surfaced as they are still a very strange and unknown animatronic. Tests have shown that they are both sensitive to fast and rapid movements if the working eyes sense it. Extreme caution is required if around Ego and Eggo as they are unpredictable!"