


4 years, 10 months ago


Name: Ceraus

Sex: Female 

Species: Kangaroo-Bat


Shy, a bit reserved, except with those she's close too, determined, and curious, kind, but also feisty when she needs to be, care's a bit to much a bit about what others think, hesitant, but she tries to overcome her fears. Loyal to a fault, can be selfish at times, she has bad anxiety and depression though she covers it up the best she can, tends to ramble when anxious or excited, loves all life even though sometimes she could seem to careless. Has a tendency to blame herself for everything, even if she's not at fault, wants to please everyone. 

Diagnosed at a young age with ADHD


Glitter, arts and crafts, stargazing, daydreaming, trying to write stories, spending time under her favorite Wisteria tree. She loves to read under the moonlight, and gliding along the top of lakes and rivers, letting her feet drag through the water, peaches and strawberries, sweets, fireworks, rain, swimming, Superhero's, Xenomorph's, befriending other animals.


Crowds, Loud Noises, Certain noises in general, being a bit of a spaz at times, messing up, anxiety, depression, admitting she has any problems, or asking for help.

Best Friend: Sonni

*More to come*