

4 years, 9 months ago




Age: 200~
Species: Fae, "Barghest"
Height: 9*
Gender: He/Him
In Service: To his father
R. Status: Alone
Theme: Not Yet


Comparative to a demonic forest spirit or some sort of mythological hound figure, such as a Shuck or Barghest. In service to a much larger forest dwelling spirit akin to a skin walker (his 'father').

His true form is a grossly large wolf-like creature with human eyes and arms around its head. Still closer to a fae than a demon.

Capable of making many fae like deals and promises, constantly wishes to take peoples names and offers of servitude and will try and craft conversations that way. A somewhat poor grasp on english.

He is a BAD BOYE tm but also unsecretly loves being the center of attention and constantly craves company often to his detriment. Doesn't know how to react to intense affection except enjoy it silently, and reeeaaally doesn't know how to deal with aggression except fighting.

Hes an old spirit from like, celtic maybe? times? Closer related to a fae than a christian demon.

Comes from a world more like the witcher.


•His real name is some horrible fae pronunciation that’s like, the sound of a thunderstorm breaking rocks.

• Can take his TEF form, a more anthro version of it, or the forms of a large black wolf or crow.

• His ‘true’ form is a horrible great big black dog that’s like bigger than a polar bear, has two mouths (one ontop of the other) and several eyes, as well as ink-black hands randomly erupting and disappearing into his long neck fur at random intervals. Closest mythology to this is a Barghest.

• He only has a ‘father’ and not a mother, he refers to them as his creator or father but its truly genderless. A forest spirit closest to a wendigo, controls a great swathe of forest that encircles many villages and towns and hugs a coastline.

• They don’t get on but his father is the only one who can say his name and thus compel him to do things.

• Lives in a world styled after Witcher. He is one of the creatures that keeps people from going too far in the woods at night or in winter. Doesn’t interfere with livestock or people not in the forest unless father tells him to or the people are being full on shitters.

• Has other siblings that take other forms but they mostly ignore each other.

• Is not parental but also wouldn’t want his pup to come to any harm. Mostly believes they can take care of themselves but would be protective for WE’s sake.

• His true ‘home’ is a very ancient pagan gathering site of old, old trees and overgrown stones that form a tight, well hidden circle in the mists.

• Most protective charms and herbs do nothing to him, but circles of salt or pure iron are a deterrent. Can only be truly killed by ingesting (or being stabbed down the throat :sob: ) a weapon of silver or iron.

• Like most fae, tries not to lie and instead twists words. Can take names and use them to indebt others, and hates being told thank you instead wanting rewards.

• Not actually that hostile, more of a true neutral.

• By devouring his father he’ll take his place and so he wants it a lot but hasn’t yet come up with a way how to.