
5 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info


Slink x Chicken Hybrid |

Slink Parents



Original Description by FizzTheoFizz:

"Despite the coat draped over you, the cold bite of winter still clawed at your skin. The path veered right, and your destination was finally in sight; the post office. You’d been awaiting this package for some time, and had finally received the call that it had arrived. You stepped inside, feeling instantly warmed. The lady asked for your signature, then handed you the large box. This was it. Your slicken. A sticker read ‘HANDLE WITH CARE’, but the box still sagged from rough handling. You held your ear to the side and heard a strange, gravelly chirp.
The drive home was an unusual one. Every few minutes, the box would produce another sound - each one different then the last. At first, it mimicked something of a siren-like call. Later, it barked like a dog. When you reached home, you quickly brought the box inside and peeled off the packing tape.
The slicken peeked its head out warily.
Two bulbous eyes poked from either side of its head. They both moved individually - one held you in a direct stare whilst the other scanned the room. Finally deciding it safe, the slicken hopped out of the box. Two fluorescent orange patches on its back glowed softly, brightening somewhat whenever the creature bobbed its head. It had the same faded pastel colouring as the slink it was sampled from, but it didn’t seem to blend together with quite the same grace. It made a sharp, piercing ‘HONK’! And scrambled off to nowhere in particular."