Kal (Fursona)



4 years, 10 months ago


Basic Info
Name Kalaziel
Species Regal Lady Bee
Birthday Dec 17th
Age 28
Height 5' 4"
Orientation Gay
Gender Male-ish
Pronouns He/Him
Ethnicity Mexican
Element Wood
Sun Sign Ophiuchus
Moon Sign Virgo
Status Main Sona/Active
Worth $2250
  • Reading
  • Gaming
  • Nature
  • Magic
  • Watefulness
  • Being Controlled
  • Homogeny
  • Being Ignored
  • Kal is based off of a Maya honey bee, and as such has no stinger.
  • Kal is an avid gamer and his favorite franchises are Kingdom Hearts, .Hack G.U., and Persona.
  • Kal is bigender which means he has two distinct gender identities. Kal's gender is socially determined, and varies depending on who he is relating to. In sexual/romantic relationships Kal is only ever male, but in all other social dynamics he's agender.
  • Kal is studying magic, and is trying to find his own path. He is currently focusing on Ancestral Magic/Veneration, Astrology, and Curandero Herbalism.
Resilient. Bookish. Passionate. Withdrawn.

Kal is an almost perfect 1-to-1 translation of myself, and is my primary representation in the furry fandom. The only difference between us is that he exists in a world with high magick, and I practice it as a spirituality. He loves discussing his favorite hobbies and interests with new people!


Kal has always been a sensitive individual. Sensitive to words, sensitive to pain, sensitive to the feelings of others. In childhood it was his abusive alcoholic father, in teen years it was his budding sexuality, in later years a crippling anxiety disorder. His life left him with a unique perspective on the world, and he never truly had a childhood because of this. His experiences have shaped him into the individual he is today.

Kal has a distrust of people, and finds it difficult to truly connect with others on a deeper level. He’d much rather love the idea of a person than to get to know the real them. He fears if he sees something he disdains in them his heart will harden further. He is extremely intelligent and has almost a photographic memory. But if a subject doesn’t interest him he just can’t focus on it, so this trait isn’t as useful as it may seem on paper. He genuinely just wants to make the world a better place, but his fears and insecurities keep him from interacting with it in any meaningful way. Feeling alien and out of place in this world is the main theme of his life.

Fortunately Kal wasn’t alone during his formative years. If it wasn’t for his loving mother and sister he wouldn’t be here today. Together they weathered the onslaught of torment visited upon them and escaped to a better place. His family has become the anchor that binds him to this world. His hive is his fortress and within its walls he finds solace.

Within the hive Kal doesn’t have a typical career. He doesn’t get paid for what he does, but he wouldn’t have it any other way. Kal is a brujo and curandero who uses his magical talents to heal and promote wellness in his community. His speciality is in herbal/vegetal magicks and he uses them to great effect. He can often be found tending to his vegetable and herbal gardens he keeps in the community center. He believes if these things can help others than it should be open to everyone regardless of monetary compensation.

The core of Kal’s existence is the principle of “REGENERATION”. Everything he does and believes in is ultimately intended to fix something that has been harmed. There is much beauty in this world, but the pain and suffering cannot be ignored. He will continue to face the ugliness the world has to show him, and rise above it all. He knows that through patience, love, and education we can truly become one people.

Cedar | Husband

Cedar is Kal's husband and best friend. They met back when they were in high school, and have shared all of their live's biggest moments together. They enjoy gaming together, watching movies, and collecting various things.

Alucio | Twin Soul


Dulce | Friend

