


4 years, 11 months ago



Age: 500+ years old

Species: Pumpkin (Jack-o-Lantern)

Height: 4’4”

Gender: Male (He/They pronouns)

Sexuality: Demisexual

Alignment: Chaotic Evil 

Occupation: Necromancer

Bio: Legend has it, that deep within forests and graveyards, if he senses you are lost, Jack will appear. Jack is a mysterious fellow that offers help to lost travelers when they are in need—only to consume their souls once they are comfortable. Jack feeds off souls, living or dead in order to remain alive. On occasion, he will roam graveyards to find lost ghosts or spirits... only to consume them as well. No one knows where he came from, but it’s wise to take caution if you choose to approach him...


  • Night time
  • Solitude 
  • Magic/spells
  • Silence


  • Day light (won’t die in daylight, but it makes him weak)
  • When his head is removed by someone else 
  • Mortals

Extra Facts:

  • He has no neck, his head is actually floating, and he can remove it at any time.
  • Jack has a natural ability to sprout vines from his back or from his arms/wrists. 
  • There is a flame in his head that, if goes out, will cause him to die. However, his flame isn’t affected by water or wind, it can only go out by other magic.
  • The golden pendant on his hat is actually a magic mirror. He uses this to show memories in people’s heads— but also to manipulate their minds with illusions.