


4 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info





Name Meaning:



None at the moment




8'9" (Eight foot, Nine Inches / 271cm(?) / 2.7 metres)


312lbs (312 pounds / 22 stone / 141.5 kg)


Bisexual - Leans more towards female for offspring purposes

Relationship Status:



Demon / Monster




Personality: Despite being called ruthless, cold, and even terrifying amongst his people and enemies, Cadeyrn is a calm individual - peaceful, even. Not that he has any proof of his calmness and peaceful ways as most demons don't readily give up their lands and pledge allegiance to someone who is "peaceful." Cadeyrn is hoping that he would be able to implement more peaceful ways of going about claiming or reclaiming land without violence and hopes that these changes, while it goes against a demon and monster's ways, will be a good step forward.
But while he is aiming for peaceful methods he isn't completely against getting blood on his hands. And ever since he learned to stand up for himself, his hands have been "stained red" ever since. He isn't against beating people senseless, or even killing them if violence is the only thing they listen to. 

History: When Cadeyrn was born he was considered a mutant among his own kind, including his one and only full sibling, Gifre. Unlike most demons, Cadeyrn is fair-skinned and has discoloured horns. He is also considered the shortest amongst his kind. During his younger years, Cadeyrn had been ruthlessly bullied and picked on by his siblings - especially his older brother Gifre.
When he matured he grew taller than his brother but is still dwarfed by the other demons of his species.
After his naming day (the day Meegan died) Gifre was angered that Cadeyrn was named King, and out of anger and spite, he disfigured Cadeyrn with his first of many scars. But now in his later years, his scars are a means of impressing males and females of those he fancies.
When Cadeyrn took over as King from his father, Diolmhain, he proved that his years of being bullied and picked on had hardened him, making him a force to be reckoned with. And as a result of the many battles he won and the lands he had reclaimed, he inspired fear not only in his enemies but also his own people. While his subjects do not openly ridicule him in his presence he is aware that they do so behind his back, though without proof he can do little about it. 

More history to be added later...

  Sire: Diolmhain
  Dam: Meegan
  Sibling(s): Gifre - Full Sibling  /  Has ten other half-siblings

Tribe: Spire (more information to be added)


  • Skin - His skin is tough and somewhat scaley. The texture is rough and even scratchy, but where the soft tissues are the scales are smooth (inside of the elbows, under the jaw, and the insides of his thighs) His chest, stomach, and groinal regions are a lighter tone compared to everywhere else.
  • Horns - His horns are discoloured; the three spikes that go along his head are a darker shade of brown, whereas his "crownal horns" are a lighter shade of brown. The spikes point backwards, yet his crownal horn tips arch up and forward. As he is still young, he still has some horns to grow out along his shoulders and back.
  • Spikes - The spikes on his head are the same colours as those on his elbows. The spikes that will grow on his back and shoulders when he is older will be the same colour as well.
  • Eyes - Cadeyrn's eyes are aqua coloured and had no pupils. The sclera is dark grey. In the dark or when he is under extreme emotion (anger, excitement, even arousal) the eyes can glow, but the glow is only dim. When in dark places they glow brighter to help him see in the dark.
  • Teeth - As Cadeyrn doesn't have lips his teeth are always on show and they are black in colour. They are incredibly sharp and jagged. They are also not aligned or straight; some of his teeth hide behind others. It is possible that he has another set of teeth behind his main - though it's difficult to tell as his teeth are all over the place.
  • Hands & Feet - His hands have eight digits and two thumbs and each one with claws an inch or two long. These claws are thick and difficult to break, and he has them regularly tended to and painted gold. Without the paint, they are the same colour as his teeth. Cadeyrn's feet have three toes and is a digitigrade, meaning he walks on his toes (like dogs, cats, and rodents)
  • Ears - Cadeyrn's ears are long and pointed and he often decorates them with earrings. His most favourite jewels are rubies and sapphires, and sometimes gold.
  • Accessories - Cadeyrn always decorates his ears and horns with jewellery, specifically his horns as he takes the most pride in them due to their discolouration, in which he calls it "uniqueness" as most other demons of his species only have one colour between their horns and spikes, whereas he has two. 
  • Clothing - Cadeyrn hardly ever wears clothing as he sees there is no need to. However, should a time come when he is required to be among humans he only wears an item of clothing that covers his groinal area such as a loincloth, or other such similar clothing. He wouldn't wear jeans or t-shirts as they would be "too tight" for him. (He is a big boy, after all)
  • Tattoos - Cadeyrn only has one tattoo so far and that is on the right side of his torso. The tattoo will grow and become more intricate as he gets older and is a symbol of his status as a King. His father almost had a full-body tattoo, but he gave up his title as King before his neck, head, and legs could be covered. For Cadeyrn, he will probably have his entire body tattooed before he gives up his title.
  • Physicality - At the moment, Cadeyrn can be considered lean and muscular compared to his larger and bulkier older brother, Gifre, as well as the other demons under his rule. But, as he is still young, Cadeyrn still has room to grow. There is a chance he could be just as big as Gifre, or just a little bit smaller. But Cadeyrn isn't able to get any bigger than Gifre. Because he is lean and muscles, Cadeyrn is strong and fast and regularly makes use of his fitness in wrestling matches and in shows of strength - those of which he enjoys and gets involved in when he isn't required for more important things.
  • Scars - He has many considerable scars and will no doubt gain more within his lifetime. Though the more prominent ones are the scars on the side of his face, and the left side of his torso. The scar on his face was given to him by his older brother, Gifre, when they were young - right after it was made known that Cadeyrn would be King instead of his older brother. The one on his torso he gained from battle - more information on it to be added.
Below is NSFW - only 18+ eyes, please. Thank you!
  • Sexual Relationships - Cadeyrn isn't the submissive kind and wouldn't be the "bottom man". He's also forceful, but if he gets told no when he asks/demands/propositions sex he wouldn't force it on them. (However, if the person(s) had said yes in the beginning and then said "no" during or right at the beginning... He would keep going).
  • Sex Organs - Cadeyrn is clearly male and has quite the size, mostly the reason why some change their minds during sex, of around 8 inches. Like most demons and felines he has spines on his member. If not completely lubricated it can hurt and even tear. When ejaculating it can take five or ten minutes and the spines lift/inflate to hold the recipient of his seed in place until ejaculation is over.
  • Preferences - When it comes to having sex for pleasure and with no real meaning, Cadeyrn cares little for appearances and structure, or any other silly thing he has to take into account when breeding. He takes great pleasure in dominating both males and females who consider themselves dominant/alpha (i.e. making them submit/go into humiliating positions) and enjoys breaking in virgins (he is a demon/monster, so it's to be expected).
    Breeding preferences are to be added later.