


7 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info


Say, Ray




256 (looks like he's in his mid to late 20s)



Sexual Orientation:

Anything TBH

Relationship Status:

Taken by Jun (@thoughtful-stargazer)


Sayre is currently a bodyguard for hire, not really having a stable job at any one place and often will work for any organization or person who will hire him (celebreties, normal citizens, clubs, just whatever that comes to him). He doesn't really enjoy his work but knows he could be doing much worse and tries to just live with it for now.

Sayre is very kind and caring individual, disliking having to see anything unhappy or suffering in any way. He dislikes having to hurt or be rough with others, but is accepting of having to if its for the better good (or to protect others). His time among the humans hardened him a bit however, seeming the most cold so strangers and needs to warm up to people before he's his very loving and caring self. When not working he's more friendly but still weary of strangers. He's highly protective of those people and things he holds very close to his heart and loves to see those people/things happy. He's very weary of other angels or demons, and will often avoid them at all costs.

Sayre is considered a 'young' dark angel and was created to help the higher ups take care of angels under his rank and occasionally humans, usually the former as he's always expressed a like for the humans since he was created. When traveling to earth to deal with some angels residing among the humans he came to enjoy the day to day life and to keep him happy the higher ups let him live amongst mortals and do work from there. But after so long they called him back and he refused to return to the life above. After a long time of attempting to get him to return they torn off his wings (as wings were only for angels a certain rank or higher) and left him to his mortal life.
Since then he's felt betrayed by his own kind, though does accept it was his entire doing. He's taken well to the normal life and still enjoys humanity even if at times it can be very cruel.


  • His resting face makes him seem very unpleasant and mean.
  • He has scars on his back from when his wings were ripped off, they always appear as 'new' wounds but are pretty much healed.
  • He’s worked as a variety of things over the years (including a cook, a mercenary, a butler, a nurse and a caretaker) but he settled on a body guard since he wanted to protect others.
  • Every 50 or so years he ‘obtains’ a new identity, the first name is always Sayre
  • He left the heavens rather young, only having worked for the higher ups for 24 years before he refused to return. This is most likely why they just took his wings and left him be as he was seen as replaceable.  
  • Unless he has to, he never tells people he was a dark angel and lives his life as the ‘human’ he’s created.
  • Sayre still have angelic powers. Making him able to heal, hurt others by touch via 'holy burning', speak telepathically with others, summon some 'holy' weapons and other various things. He can also still 'fly' off the ground a good 4 or 5 feet, even though he lacks wings.
  • Unless fatally injured, Sayre is immortal. Human diseases and other ailments have no affect on him.

Jun (@thoughtful-stargazer) :: Sayre met Jun back when he was his bodyguard and the two of them bonded over that period of time and eventually became friends. But after so long Sayre was fired, suspecting it had to do something with Jun’s work and how his boss treated him. Unable to contact Jun again he sadly accepted he wouldn't come across him again. However when out one day shopping for food, he ran into Jun. He offered his home to the male without a second thought and made some space for him. He often showers Jun with affection and gifts, wanting him to feel loved and happy when with him.