Kabibe Daphnaia



Kabibe Daphnaia

Name Kabibe
Age 16
Birthday 15
Height 5'0"
Build Short, strong, and squishy
Species Something vaguely resembling a dryad
Gender Cis Girl (she/her)
Occupation Knight

Kabibe Daphnaia is ten pounds of knightly justice in a five pound bag reinforced with twenty pounds of steel armor. Newly-knighted despite her young age after being raised in her kingdom's royal orphanage, Kabibe takes her duties gravely seriously. From drunken rapscallions causing commotion, to cruel words spit on streetsides, to petty theft, and everything in between, Kabibe responds with the same enthusiastic vigor, a staunch determination to prove her valor and uphold justice in all its divine and earthly forms—even though she's really just a junior patrolwoman.

To Kabibe, there is good and there is evil, and if something isn't one, it has to be the other. It's for this reason that she makes such an effort to uphold the full extent of her chivalrous knightly virtue against even the most minor of inconveniences; her knighthood is already a special exception, and she has no shortage of worth to prove. This sort of black and white thinking also caused her to denounce and disown her twin brother for a small slight against their kingdom made, according to explanations that fell on selectively deaf ears, in search of answers.

Answers to what? The flowers that have always grown out of Kabibe's hair and at her touch irregularly, without her command, suddenly turn into leafed branches sprouting from her elbows and petals coughing out of her throat. Heavy tree bark grows over her skin; she withers when kept away from sunlight. Despite living in a world of magic, Kabibe has no answers for this. Her adventuring party, all less than pristine but learning to adore the overzealous paladin like a little sister, have conundrums upon conundrums to answer for themselves besides, and the truth to Kabibe's origins lie in a forest old as time, forgotten as myth and legend, and the brother she will only find when she learns to see color in the world—but as the magic in her becomes stronger and stronger yet, she's left less and less certain of how much time she has.

  • Despite how much authority and heroism she carries herself with, she's soft and squishy and there's simply nothing to be done about it.
  • Her hair type is 4c and kept long and natural.
  • She's a tremendously picky eater, with rules about how vegetables have to be prepared and which foods aren't allowed to touch and she likes sweets but not if they're TOO sugary and so on and so forth. She doesn't like to admit it, though, because she doesn't want to be seen as childish.
  • Combat: Kabibe is a skilled knight, making her a force to be reckoned with in battle despite her stature. In particular, she's a highly capable swordswoman. Her skills specialize in physical defense, all in all; she knows how to move and act with her shield and heavy armor, and has extraordinary steadiness in the face of hard blows.
  • Magic: Kabibe has an innate nature magic which she has little control over. For the most part, it manifests in flowers growing from her body, especially her hair, without any particular trigger or input from her. Later, this includes things like branches and twigs growing from her, sap oozing out of her wounds instead of blood, and tree bark growing to cover her skin. None of these things are painful—at best, they're a little itchy in the process of actually growing.
    • As the story goes on, Kabibe gains control over her nature magic as she discovers and becomes more attuned to her dryad heritage. Flowers grow at her command, and she even receives more control over what type they are. She can force vines, roots, and other manifestations of plants and trees to grow at once on a large scale. These abilities get some defensive use in combat (vine walls to act as a barrier, for example), but it's generally more efficient for Kabibe to act physically and in close-range.