
Gender: Male

Age: 18

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Green

Tail Color: Black

Sexual Preference: Straight

Loves: Dueling, Training with his military

Hates: Humanity

    Prince Eljin Thalia is the prince of Pedía, and it's military leader. Everyday, he would spend with the military, learning tactics, & sparing. As he grew older, his want to be in the military grew and grew, until he became a soldier in the military. His first battle he was in was a lost, losing his commander and some of his  friends when they were attacking humans. They quickly retreated, some  pride was broken but they were still alive, though quickly Eljin formed a  plan to strike back. He lead a attacking group to take revenge, only to  see fear in their eyes. At that moment, something snapped in his brain,  this smaller being who took out centaurs with courage, now looking in  fear when he should be taking it like a warrior. This one encounter,  just drew out what he would forever see humans as.

    Racism was in the kingdom, but it was on the decline. But with Eljin's new found  motivation, slowly this racism was back in the military at least. Killing more and more humans because they could, increasing  assassination attempts on Zaverist, and increasing the military power  bit by bit. His father is someone he argues with more and more overtime, especially with his actions for what he did. He currently plans to be  the king one day, though he would prefer to do it as quick as possible.