
Gender: Male

Age: 19

Hair color: Blonde

Eye color: Light Blue

Tail Color: Blonde

Fur Color: Paint (White/Brown)

Sexual Preference: Straight

Loves: Fantasy Adventures, Sword Dueling

Hates: Loneliness, heavy water damages.

     Dean was born into a group of farmers, outside the borders of the Zaverist kingdom, with his mother, father, 2 brothers and sister. Every  day, they wake up at the crack of dawn, working in the fields, feeding  the livestock, etc. and going back in at night to eat and sleep in the  comfort of their home. Several times, high amounts of water from the  rain damaged their business, but they could recover. Often, he would be  seen in the fields, using the tools as swords.

    At 13-14, he  was mandated into military training, as all male teens were. At age 15,  both his parents passed away due to "misuse of cropping tools" (though,  that is still unclear). Dean ended up going back to take care of the  family farm, while the brothers were soon allowed into the military. His  Sister was with him until he was 16 1/2, where she was married and  moved out. At 17, one brother was labeled "KIA" & the other labeled  "MIA" during "training". Currently, he's having a hard and stressful  time. With less hands, less is produced, less is shipped, less money is  received, and the closer he goes towards not having enough to buy more  to not only produce more food... but not enough to survive. Now, all he  does is work, going home to a silent house, once filled with chatter,  tired and scatting to hope to get more in the future.