


4 years, 10 months ago


Name: Aaron

Age (phsyical): around 40 years

Important Species Traits: His stomach and his ears are made out of glass.

In them is a sand-like material which sends out a scented fragrance (He smells like francincense).  

Every liquid in his body has the colour and scent of his sand.

He possesses a mask as a tool to deliver nightmares.

Apperance: Somniocris are small in generell like the size of a hand.

For reference to other male Somnies, he's pretty average and would be 1.69m if he were a human.

Aaron works as the leader of his own cult with a seemingly good reputation


People describe him as a very friendly and polite man.
He is be very laid back and not easily offended.
Will listen to anybodies problems and doesn't speak much about himself.

Little do they know that this is a facade to locate targets he can lure into his cult and/or let them get kidnapped by his followers to perform a sacrifice ritual.
Plot twist, this ritual is also a facade for his followers because he uses the kidnapped person to sell them on the black market.
Also he picks out some of his followers to get an "even more important job", only for them to become his loyal slave in his big ass mansion and be cut off from the rest of the world.
Sometimes he will put some slaves in one room and lets them play game of thrones for his own enternainment.

This means in reality, Aaron is a narcissistic psychopath who likes to see people suffering.
Good to know is that in the species there are 5 Subspecies and Aaron especially hunts one of them down because he's pretty much racist.

- Garlic, Mirrors and other Somniocris of his own Subspecies (called Diablum)
- expensive wine (it doesn't need to be good wine, he's not a pro, he thinks expensive = good quality)
- Gullable people

- Giraffes
- Taller people
- A specific Subspecies called Lintie

Fun Facts:
- You can't see it under his cloak but Aaron used to be a military soldier and has some muscles under there
- Also if you look closely you will see small wrinkles at his eyes and mouth and he hates it
- He practised his uses with knifes a lot and has some sick tricks under his sleves to show off
- He is in possession of a knife collection and cares for it better than he cares for anybody else
- His favourite kind of knives are daggers and he always carries one under his clothes
- Before hair gel was invented he hated his hair because a huge amount always kept falling into his face and poked at his eyes karma my dude