


4 years, 10 months ago


Name: Evadne 
Age: 23
Birthday: October 09
Gender: female
Sexuality: Bi
Availability: available but not looking
Physical Features: dark blue eyes, dark burgundy hair, and Egyptian bronze toned skin. Evadne is quite tall at 5’11 though she sometimes slouches to hide that fact.
Clothing Style: She likes to wear jeans with a bit of flare at the bottom and shirts with longer sleeves. She’s used to living in cooler climates so scarves are a favourite accessory of hers. As much as she enjoys wearing sandals, they often aren’t practical so she most often wears big clunky boots.
Likes: foxes, swimming, fish (as a food), boats, birds, organizing things, math, sudoku
Dislikes: sheep (animals and as food), rule breakers, fish (as pets), reading, flowers
Inabilities: to leave things uneven, she can’t break the rules
Strengths: giving advice, endurance
Latent Ability: Oneiromancy (a form of divination based upon dreams; it is a system of dream interpretation that uses dreams to predict the future)
Personality: Evadne strives to be fair and impartial, standing up for what she believes in. She has a very busy life but feels the need to balance things out as much as possible.
School: none
Housing district: Cocytus Apartments
Senshi Name: Sailornanshe
Tarot Card: Justice
Element: Water 
Colours: Aquamarine, pale blue, medium blue, gold
Henshin Item:  

Name of Power:
Power Type: (Offensive? Defensive? Supportive? Other?)
Description: (What it looks like, what it does, etc)