


4 years, 10 months ago


Name: Prolly Nickname: Highness Species: Red Dwarf Gender: Technically Genderless. Responds only to Highness. Character Origin: Skype role play setting created and run by Evilkritter. Story concept by Evilkritter, Character Design and personality by me. Temperment: Temperment. I mean... TEMPERment. ...  ... ... She's an angry person. Personality: To Prolly, none are before or above her. She is the highest and the most revered, and if you by some disease cannot see this, you will recieve no pity from Prolly, only pain. Prolly is thousands of years old, but because she lacks in experiences or life lessons, she has the temperment and world view of a child. She is entitled, selfish, quick to complain, and fickle in nature. She has the body and strength of an adolescent girl, with which she is very emotive, and can be somewhat sadistic to those who oppose her even in small ways. She takes no real pleasure in killing others, despite how easy it would be for her. Instead she still possesses a bit of infantile curiousity which drives her to learn anything she can from each and every encounter, even confrontational ones. Even though she already knows everything. Brief Physical Makeup: Prolly's body is made of living molten metal that shines like pure polished gold. Her head, neck and shoulders are often wreathed in flames that swell and pop, dancing with emotive energy as she expresses herself with vigor, or calls upon her sorcery to aid her. She has the power to command flames, of course, however some elements of her power have a weight to them that resembles a gravitational pull. She can conjur and maintain small stars with their own gravity, and can manuever them to her conveniece. The larger the star, the more energy she must exert to maintain it and the more immobile she becomes.
Original Introductory Flavor Text:
((Portion written by Evilkritter))
The shadow-wreathed flames plummet from the sky, an arc of trailing flames scattering in a thousand directions. The body of fire spreads a crater in the water's surface before impact, when it strikes a plume of boiling water and steam erupts outward a mile in each direction. The fire extinguishes, leaving a black core disintegrating in the fresh surge of returning water as it tumbles towards the ocean floor. The dissipating soot reveals a woman, her body a softly glowing metal that remains burning hot even in the icy cool at the ocean bed. She uncurls herself gracefully, landing on the rotted remains of a boat. She looks around the murky waters, she is the only source of light save the dim glow of the surface. Prolly turns, and places her hand on the wheel. All around her phantoms begin to emerge, soft orange lights coalescing into bodies. That soft orange glow spreads across the broken ship, and in the darkness forms on other wrecks around it. Ships begin to rise. Villagers, simple fishers and poor artisans, panic. Some huddle in their huts, some stand and stare out across the sea, and others have already fled. The boats of the fishers sit at the pier, riding the waves of unnaturally warm water over the pier and down to the sand of the beach below. On the horizon a fleet of burning ships approach, a crew of burning sailors crewing them. The fleet nears the shores, the remaining villagers bow down before the burning creatures, and their shining queen who stands wreathed in golden flame.
((Portion written by me))
“Mmmm…” I stand at the head of my newly forged fleet and slowly roll back my shoulders to loosen up and get a good feel for my new form. “This body will take some getting used to… This wasn’t exactly on the itinerary. Then again-“ My nostrils flare as I draw in a great breath of unfamiliar air and the flames that surround my body swell and flicker. “It’s good to have some fun every thousand years or so!” I pause, taking a good long look at the horizon laid out before me. “You there!” I shout toward one of my soldiers standing slightly behind me at the helm, “Where are we? I demand to know.” Although the mass of heat that makes up its head is featureless and devoid of expression he attempts to respond and his flames begin to pop, fizzle, and frantically gesture toward me as if to say: ‘You don’t know, so I don’t know! You’re messing with me, aren’t you, Highness.’ I turn back towards the head of the ship and plant my foot upon the banister, leaning out towards the raging waters and I let loose a hearty laugh. “Onward! I will find the foul beast that killed me, and I will have his head!”
Moments later there is a loud crash as the fleet breaks ground on the continent. Many beings flee from the shores as I disembark with my molten army mere steps behind. I approach the few men who remain. They have fallen to their knees in fear and reverence, noses to the sandy soil beneath them. “Lift your eyes.” I thunder. A spare few attempt to heed my command, but cannot seem to manage it without cringing. “Oh, great and powerful M-ma’am. Uh… Your shining brilliance… is… -ow.” He rubs his eyes. I growl and stomp my foot, “Fine! Look wherever you want, but listen well!” I heave a sigh and rest my hands gracefully upon my hips. “I am in need of a guide. Which of you men will pledge your life to me in servitude as my navigator?” I scan the line of men with my gaze. They seem to be having even more trouble making eye contact than before. “You-” I snap my fingers and summon a spurt of flame just beneath the hind-quarters of the middlemost man to encourage him into motion. “You spoke of my ‘shining brilliance’. You are my new guide. What is your name?” He frantically swats at his trousers and leaps toward the shallows, planting his behind in the water to fizzle out the fire. “Amos. My name is Amos, madam.” He grumbles. “Come, Amos. You will take me to the one who has killed me, and I will take his life.” I peer back over my shoulder at him as the fleet begins to depart from the beach, “And, Amos… It’s ‘Highness’.”