Sage Vaeth



4 years, 10 months ago


Name: Sage Vaeth 

Gender: Female (She/her) 

Age: 30 years 

Sexuality: bisexual 

Job/ability: Mandalorian (Fighter X Barbarian) 

Weapons: Blaster pistol, Vibromace, Shotgun 

Personality: She’s loyal to the ones close to her and will do what is right, but she has trust issues and may jump to conclusions. 

Species: human 

Fandom: Star Wars 

Alignment: Lawful Neutral 

Stats (level 8): STR: 22 (+6) 

DEX: 14 (+2)

CON: 16 (+3) 

INT: 12 (+1) 

WIS: 11 (+0) 

CHA: 10 (+0) 

Force/Tech Powers (if any): none 

Appearance: 5’1ft pale-tan woman with strawberry blonde hair and reddish-brown eyes with a scar under her right eye and she has scars all over her body. 

Voice: She has a tint of British is her accent, where something she may say sounds British, otherwise she sounds American. 

Quote: “Maybe you should be a little more careful, or next time you’ll find a blaster bolt in your head.” 

“How can they be trusted? People change, once they know you’re worth something, you’re no longer a person, you’re an item that they can make a quick credit out of.” 

Current Lover/crush: (open) 

Past Lover/crush: Night-sigh (tall female Chiss) 

Parents: Lyric (small female with ginger hair and hazel-grey eyes. Home World: Baraan-Fa. Status: dead) 

Wren (tall male with dirty blonde hair and freckles and chocolate brown eyes. Home World: Alderaan. Status: dead) 

Siblings: none 

Children: none 

Story: Sage was born on the planet Baraan-Fa, which is a lush planet that know no winter, to a couple who once fought along the side of the Old Republic before settling down once Lyric, Sage’s mother, was expecting. As Sage grew she became quite a spitfire and wasn’t afraid to stand her ground, but of course that wasn’t always a good thing and sometimes got her into trouble. One day at school she saw a boy being picked on, being thrown to the ground. She stood up for him, chasing the bullies away and helped the poor boy up. They quickly became friends and the boy’s name was Winslow. As Sage grew up though she would occasionally get into fights, one leaving a nasty scar across her right cheek. Eventually news spread about how the Clone Wars were over and the New Galactic Empire started, at first Sage’s parents were shocked, and something didn’t seem to sit right with them and Sage understood why due to them once being apart of the war themselves and having many allies. Soon rumors spread through out the galaxy of things that were happening within the Empire and whispers of a rebellion rising up. Sage joined this rebellion later, more or least encouraged by her parents while they joined a group there that also helped with the rebellion. Sage quickly got to work training and learning all she could to help and do her part. Though a few months passed when she got a call from her parents, saying there was an attack launched on Baraan-Fa by the Empire. Her mother tried to explain what was happening only to be shot down and killed by a stormtrooper. Sage’s world shattered seeing the display and screamed, her heart breaking. It was later reported that her father was also killed and that Baraan-Fa was under the Empires control. Sage spiraled into a depressive state and lashed out at others. Not long after she meet a Jedi outcast named Sovi, who she did not like, but had to get along with due to being paired with her so much on missions. Months passed before word got out that there was a mole in the base they stayed at and the dramatic duo was assigned to find out who. After a long goose chase they find out that it was their commander who was actually an imperial agent who was now launching an attack on the base. While they won the battle, it came with a cost. Most of their allies had died in the battle and only a few were left. Once the survivors were taken to safety Sage left, feeling lost and hopeless. It was hard for her being on her own, always in the run and trying to survive off what she could until she found a group of usual mercenaries. The group made up of four people, a Zabrak named Wicket, a Chiss named Night-sigh, a Clawdite named Scripio, and a Ithorian named Nikhill. Wicket was leader of the group while Night-sigh was second in command and they allowed Sage to join. They took up any missions they could and did whatever it was they needed to get done, though Sage soon noticed they were taking up a lot of missions and bounties from the Empire. Soon Sage and Night-sigh started to get close to the point Sage developed feelings for her and before long they became a couple, though Sage wasn’t upfront with her about her past and where she came from, lying that she was once apart of another mercenary group who were killed, the name she fake them wasn’t even her real name either. A couple later Wicket asked for her and Night-sigh to come with him to collect a new mission from the Empire and this worried Sage, since she had always let Wicket go get the new mission by himself. Once they got their an imperial officer asked what they wanted and Wicket pushed Sage forward, saying ‘the bounty for her’ and revealing who she actually was. Wicket had heard about the bounty for Sage and realized Sage wasn’t who she actually said she was. Night-sigh was heart broken and turned her back on Sage due to her lying not only to her, but the whole group. The two left with their reward as Sage was getting arrested and taken away only for her to fight back and run. She ran as fast she could, but the stormtroopers seemed faster until she was cornered. She thought this was it until a heavily armored individual dropped down in-front of her and shot at the stormtroopers, either killing them kr scattering them. This was a Mandalorian. Sage thanked him and asked why he help, the Mandalorian replying that she looked like she could use it before starting to leave only for her to stop him and ask if she could join him, wanted to be a Mandalorian in hopes of being strong and able to protect herself and others. At first the Mandalorian disagreed, but Sage eventually convinced him before taking her back to the covert. Sage wasn’t welcomed at first by the other Mandalorians, especially since she wasn’t born  Mandalorian herself, but their leader, the Mandalorian who saved her, convinced them to give her a change. The Mandalorian, Atticus, had Sage train in their ways and taught her as much as he could with others help and before long she got her own armor and helmet and was almost accepted as one of their own. Though Sage wonders about the Rebellion from time to time and wonders if she could go back, for now she takes up bounties and other mercenary work with a new found confidence. 

Theme: Injustice - CG5 

Play with Fire - Sam Tinnesz

Extra: Sage was my first ever D&D character, so that’s why her stats may be a little wacky. 

This year (2023) will mark 4 years since I’ve made Sage. 

She as an Aunt named Zaklina, who was friends with Lyric and in love with her, but since Lyric wasn’t interested Zaklina was just a very close family friend.