


4 years, 10 months ago


Name: Uda [German; prosperous, rich] Age: 12 Temperment: Very mild. If Uda were an animal, she would be the floppiest puppy you ever did have the pleasure of meeting. But... you probably wouldn't spend too much time petting it... you can't be sure of where it's been, and it's probably a bit stinky... However, Uda is light on her feet, playful and crafty. When she's not on the hunt for food she's frequenting the scrap heaps for new toys to fit together and create fun contraptions. Her latest invention was a ski-lift style transportation line that rats could use to transport scraps of food from building to building across the rooftops.

Age 19: Still homeless. Still cares for the down and out. Always up for a  scrap over the right cause. Has a deep appreciation for art and science but isn’t very welcome in those spaces. Believes homelessness and workaholism are an epidemic. Embraces the simple pleasures of life like a good meal and quiet time spent in nature. She was a hyper child but has become more reserved as she grew older, in a "pick your battles" kind of way. Treats kindness like a full-time hobby.  

Minor details:
Being dirty, muddy, or scraped up isn’t unusual for her. Her natural hair color is brown, but is nearly always sloppily dyed pink, leaving lots of brown showing through at the top.