Jianyu Liao



4 years, 10 months ago


Name: Jianyu Liao 建宇 廖
Age: 22
Gender: M
Blood type: O+
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: Chinese
Race: Human
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual
Political Party: Liberal
Height: 5'9''
Weight: 141
Birth date: May 14th
Birth place: San Francisco
Occupation: Navigator
Title/Rank: Apprentice
Hobbies/Pastimes: Puzzles, Video Games, Watching documentaries
Talents/Skills/Powers: Psycho-Thaumaturgy (Support Magic)
Sleep Habits: Light sleeper, Late Riser
Known Languages: English, Cantonese
Likes: Non-fiction, The internet, memes, gaming, exploring
Dislikes: His own laziness, Arguments, struggling with depression
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Foods/Meals: Chicken alfredo, fried rice, eggs and bacon
Least Favorite Foods/Meals: Seafood (particularly sushi), split pea soup, grilled cheese sandwiches
Favorite Drinks: White wine, soda (only with pizza)
Least Favorite Drinks: Cranberry juice, diet anything
Favorite Subjects in School: Trigonometry & Geometry, Physics, Music
Simple Pleasures: Listening to music, Reminiscing on nostalgic moments (looking through old photos), deep conversations
Greater Pleasures:  Successfully solving difficult problems, helping others, being recognized
Prized possessions: His custom-built computer, various gifts from his family, friendships, His boyfriend Rory

Born to a pair of well known Chinese astrophysicists in San Francisco, Jianyu Liao was homeschooled for the majority of his early life. Jianyu is an only child, and quickly became a favorite of his parents' research team. Unsurprisingly, Jianyu picked up on the studious nature of his surroundings and became an exceptionally bright student. Jianyu's father Zhang was a wielder of Psycho-Thaumaturgy, and he passed that down to his son. Yearning for adventure and exploration, his parents reluctantly let him to attend a flight academy and get his Pilot's license. Graduating top of his class, Jianyu declined every immediate job offer, opting to continue going to school for navigational research. Graduating with a Master's Degree in navigational technology, Jianyu had debated returning to school for doctoral research like his parents but instead crossed paths with Nicholas Stafford-- The co-captain of Hatchet. Seeing his opportunity for adventure dangling in front of his nose, Jianyu jumps at Stafford’s offer of mentorship. Since his signing on, Jianyu has been an invaluable addition to the team, gaining the respect of all of the crew members very quickly with his vast knowledge of computers.