


4 years, 10 months ago


Onii | Male | Shikoku Inu
A skilled fighter and bodyguard for hire. He prefers to remain quiet most of the time and may appear cold and distant, however this nehaviour of his hides his very caring nature. He prefers not to take on jobs as a simple hitman, since his first instinct is to protect others. He has a natural tendency to help those who are in a difficult situation, as they remind him of his childhood (lived as a child struggling in the slums of Japan), and can easily form a strong bond with those who repay his trust. He will be particularly protective of his loved ones, even going as far as to breach his contract should they be endangered. The markings on his left arm are indicative of his superior strength which, however, can be sometimes out of control: when Onii is particularly stressed, his arm is taken control of by a spirit which does not obey Onii's will. This "demonic" possession is what initially granted Onii his name, however those helped by him gave a new meaning to the name- their older brother. Still, Onii prefers to keep his arm covered with a single sleeve unless needed so as to appear less intimidating.