Anaïs's Comments

I'm not really one to change given names, so her name would remain as Anaïs. She's a housepet, genetically designed off of many different breeds of feline, including, but not limited to, Maine Coon, Snow Leopard, Lion, Russian Blue, and Bengal. These are just a few of the genetic references used to create her, but she still only stands about 3 feet at the shoulder, and 11 feet in length, many occupied by her large tail. She has an internal database that holds the  state-of-the-art, the unique A.I. code only possessed by Rein Corp., the leadien Intelle-Pet distributor. She is a model specializing in childcare/watching of children aged upwards of 7.She provides learning assistance by images, numbers, math, English, geography, science, and spelling all on her facial display, internalized calculator, and references on upper college level course data, worksheets, and instructional help. 

Basically, an AI pet, that is used as both a 'babysitter', as well as a learning helper. I'm planning on using her for a more future-y set of characters.

oh wow,, that's such a cool idea!! (She is a specific species so you know... but i don't care personally if that interferes with lore!! just thought I'd let you know <3 ) that's a really cool way to interpret her , as having a screen..! Sounds like she'll have a good home with you, which in glad for - she'll always have a special place in my heart.

I'll transfer her over asap!! I'm on mobile right now, and she has 2 more art pieces on my laptop that I need to upload.