Nia [TRADE ONLY]'s Comments

Offering anyone in my TH other than in server giveaways!

Hi! Is there anything in my Sales folders of equal(or close to) value that you'd be interested in trading for?
Anything that has a price is still tradeable as well. If nothing catches your eye, thank you for looking either way! <3

Hi! Apologies for the delayed response. I would be willing to trade for this guy, but I understand if not :)

Thank you for your interest either way!

Hey! It's fine, no worries! ^^ Unfortunately, I think I'm going to have to pass, but thank you for getting back to me! <3

If you're still looking to trade, are you interested in anyone in this folder? Can even pick two if you'd like!

Anyone in my trade folder?

Lovely characters, but no one I think I would use ;~; I'm sorry!

I would love to take this girl!

Oh goodness, I mistakenly put this gal down as 25pts instead of 250 (100 for the chibi, 150 for her original purchase price + the 2 base images), I am so sorry about that!! If you're still interested I wouldn't mind haggling on the price! If not, totally fine and again, I am very sorry!

No worries! I'd still like to take her! I did wonder if it was a mistake, lol! 250 is just fine with me :) What is your DA?

Yes, I'm super sorry about that again! My DA is KdaPoetWarrior. I will transfer her the minute I see the payment notification <3

No apologies needed!! Points sent!! :) Sorry for the delay!

Not a problem! Enjoy! <3