Matilda (Allon)



4 years, 8 months ago




Allon's calm and level-headed, taking things slow to figure them out instead of rushing in blind. He prefers talking through things with his chosen before actually joining a fight and enjoys quietly observing the world around them undisturbed. He knows when action is necessary though and won't hesitate to protect innocents even if it risks exposure.

Allon's slightly older than his counterpart and knew of Keena at a distance during their time in the temple but he never actually approached the coyote kwami. While he recognized that their connection was important, at the time it didn't seem necessary to acknowledge it and she was rarely out anyway. After his last chosen passed Allon encountered the strange foreign kwami Messe and together they found a way to remain active without a chosen by taking turns searching for a new hero.

Aliquam cursus tincidunt lectus ac tincidunt. Aenean ac ipsum ac enim lacinia ullamcorper euismod vel ligula. Integer sem neque, sollicitudin non euismod eu, blandit sit amet mi. Donec ut consequat orci. Cras vulputate eros eget mauris pretium venenatis. Proin facilisis mollis suscipit. Etiam pulvinar purus et lacus vulputate, eget pretium velit ultrices. Etiam at turpis non felis sagittis eleifend. Maecenas varius velit lorem, nec ultrices elit fringilla at. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nunc lectus orci, faucibus ut nisl sed, tempor dictum elit. Donec blandit, ligula a mattis ultrices, sem justo sodales velit, eu molestie turpis elit eu ligula. Donec porta pulvinar massa ut tincidunt. Morbi vitae placerat sem, lobortis dapibus mauris.

  • ANIMAL Buffalo
  • THEME Enlightenment
  • PHRASE Horns Ready/Hidden
  • FOOD Salad
Code by Aurorean