Azdanan Story Info/Connections



4 years, 11 months ago


Basic Info:

Layout: Azdanan is about the same as normal Earth, only with far more advanced technology. Around 60% of the ground level is covered in these advanced cities, while the other 40% is made up of forests, deserts, and plains. Of the entire planet, 75% is covered in water. 10% of that is freshwater. There are cities spread across the water, and even some beneath. 

Gods and Goddesses: On Azdanon, the only existing gods and goddesses are of Greek Origion. Titans exist in very closed off areas of the planets, and are very rarely seen. 

Technology: Technology on the planet is highly advanced. Entire cities running on a single energy source, with enough power left over to sustain a small city for generations. Most mobile devices provide holographic services. Most nurses and doctors have been replaced by well trained demigods. Any tasks deemed to difficult or dangerous for human kind to perform, has been taken on by: Convicts, monsters, and those deserving of punishment and possible death. One of the finest, and most advanced pieces of technology, are the AU Televisions. With just a switch of a nob, you can view another universe/dimension. 

Species: Azdanon is home to multiple humanoid species. Vampires, werewolves, demigods, Gods and Goddesses, Titans, Mythological Creatues, mutants, and those from other dimensions/universes. Most feral species usually found on Earth, live on the planet. But there are other species of animals in which none have ever seen the likes of before. 

Rules: Universal/Dimensional leaping is prohibited. The bringing of a foreign species from another planet or universe is illegal under any and all circumstances.