Sorashana Ny'gaar



4 years, 9 months ago



Name Name

Gender Lorem
Pronouns Lorem / Ipsum
Age Lorem
Sexuality Ipsum
Zodiac Lorem
MBTI Ipsum


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce eleifend turpis sed ipsum eleifend finibus. Etiam tincidunt vulputate eleifend. In fringilla libero est, sed aliquam leo tincidunt in. Duis tempus tortor leo, semper facilisis ex varius in. Pellentesque congue bibendum tellus, a finibus eros. Morbi iaculis arcu nunc, eget auctor enim faucibus vel.


Spirits, They were no, are everywhere. His early years were full of strife and struggle, but it made him a stronger person. His mother cast him out at a young age, leaving him to fend for himself. The streets weren't kind, and it was a constant struggle to survive. The only thing that separated him and the other vagrants were these small spirits- glowing orbs, if you will, that only he could see. They were the spirits of his ancestors, and in the darkest of nights- they'd whisper to him, telling the boy stories of his family, his legacy. While they couldn't feed or clothe him, they could keep him company- and keep him safe. He gave all of it to the other street rats, to the ones cast out by society or their families. He never once batted an eye if someone needed clothes or even his rations. However, he wasn't naive. Running through the streets, he listened, he watched, and he learned. They called to him every night, the spirits. They cradled him, washed him away to a safer, warmer place. In return, he helped them. Helping the souls find their peace and wishing them farewell as some came and left. Eventually, he had helped every last spirit in his city- and it was time to move on. At 16, they told him he was ready, and they guided him to an old witch. She saw potential, and that's all that mattered. He took care of her, and in return- she took him as a son, as an apprentice. It took years of hard work, blood (literally), sweat, and tears until he finally mastered the arcane arts. Not too long after, tragedy struck, and he tried his hardest to ease his mentor through her final days. When she finally passed, he laid her to rest and sobbed next to her wake. Only then, guided once more by the spirits, does he seek out his new purpose. Once a nameless vagrant, he had now become Sorashana Ny'gaar, master of the Arcane, apprentice ("My son," she would call him) of the late Vashi Ny'gaari. Little did he know where his spirits, his saviors, would lead him- but, ever loyal, he would follow. He always will follow them.




  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.