


4 years, 10 months ago



When she was younger, her and her twin brother were a powerful duo. With his invisibility and her ability to create illusions, they were unstoppable. One day however, her brother disappeared, never to be seen again. She vowed to become a hero to find him and prove herself.


Ever since her brother went missing, her family has been rather distant. Her parents are constantly on business trips, as despite possessing quirks, they decided to pursue a more civilian style of career. This means she's often gone weeks, even months alone in a big house. When she wanted to become a hero, they neither supported nor disapproved of it. 

Quirk: Illusions

 She shares her imagination with her opponent, showing them what she wants them to see, illusions. She can create illusions of objects(this includes weapons) and people, however, she can only use the quirk where she can see.  While her quirk can be used at range, when the illusion goes out of her line of vision, it disappears. Illusions don't do damage as they aren't physical.

 The more she uses her quirk, the less she's able to focus and distinguish reality from her illusions. To counteract this, she only uses her illusions in short bursts. Only creating 3 moderate illusions or 6 quick illusions during a fight, therefore learning to rely more on hand on hand combat, which puts her at a great disadvantage against others. 


She is slightly below average in class, barely scraping by in terms of physical skill, as she is relatively weak, making up for it with her agility and speed. She often spends her free time, including lunch and break, to train and get stronger, therefore she doesn't spend much time with people and has grown to lack social skills. Because of this, people often see her as blunt and condescending. 

Her desperate need to prove herself has gotten her into some dangerous situations, as she believes no opponent is too big if you keep hitting them for long enough. Despite losing fights too many times to count, she doesn't back down. Instead training harder for the inevitable next time. She plans ahead for the long run, not focusing too much on the present, but what that present will lead to. This is seen when she fights as she constantly tries to strategize to create the perfect opening to use her quirk as she doesn't want her limited charges to go to waste. She's more than willing to take a few hits if it means it gets her opponent closer to where she wants them to be.

When she's not training or attending school, she spends the rest of her time searching for clues about her missing brother.

Fighting style:

Iridessa plans ahead, focusing on getting her enemy in the perfect position for an all-out attack as she can only use her illusions in short bursts, therefore she typically tends to try to end a fight as quickly as possible, or at least weaken her opponent enough so that she can go in and finish them off with melee attacks. Her favourite move is creating illusions of her dagger, making it appear as if many are going towards an opponent, while trying to dodge the daggers coming towards them, Iridessa dashes behind them to deal a blow with the real dagger.