
Gender: Female

Age: 17

Hair color: Brunnette

Eye color: Green

Tail Color: Brunnette

Sexual Preference: Bisexual

Loves: Carrots, rolling around in flowers

Hates: People trying to ride her like a horse

    Even though Ava was born in the more farmside of the US, growing up and helping out on a farm, her family soon moved to a more suburb setting so she could get a better education. She was not fond of the change at first, forced to leave the comfort of her large home with a near endless backyard, to a smaller home made for humans with a rather small fenced in yard. She's not too comfortable being in a public human school not suited for other mythical creatures, but she slowly gets use to it. Though, there was this one time she was a literal pack mule, carrying people's stuff around forcash. She's often seen in the back of classrooms, sitting on the hill, and usually being by herself, still not adapting well to the new enviorment. It was around high school where she finally settled in, but she ended up being more of a rebel in her youth.