


4 years, 10 months ago


Name julian devorak (birthname ilya)
Species kiamara
Age 29
Height 6'4
Gender male
Pronouns he/him
Orientation gay
Relationship Status taken
Occupation doctor

Status nft/s
Designer Ivyy
Worth n/a


overly dramatic and masochistic, julian is a plague doctor who roams around looking for his next job. he was wrongly accused of the murder of one of his patients and traveled for some time before returning to the city he fled from. despite being wanted for murder, he's loved and cherished by the neighborhood he lives in and those around it. he works as an underground doctor and does all he can for those in need. most seeking him out for the miracles he can perform on the human body.

he has a raven that serves as his bodyguard and constant companion; he often perches on his back or nestles in his hair. he helps keep julian safe and alerts him if there is anyone looking to arrest him. asra is working on clearing his name, but so far nothing had come of it yet.

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