【 Angelo 】 (‎ ‎▹| old design |◃)



You drag and drop, attract me after all

Name Adrian Chase
Gender Male
Sexuality Homosexual
Species Snow leopard
Age 21

bristly . 5'10" . courageous

Adrian is not very social, being shy and inexperienced at talking with others. This shyness tends to lead to him being quiet, which tends to come across as stand-offish and haughty....which unfortunately leads to even more issues socializing.

His 'goth' nature does not help this in the slightest, as he's always dressed in black or punky clothes, making him seem even more antisocial. However, if one were to persist and get to know him, he is actually quite sweet and gentle and would do anything to help his few friends.

The young man currently lives in an old manor left to him by his late grandfather. It's...a bit creepy and he's pretty sure it's haunted but....it's better than living in his parent's basement!

Anyway I'm gone tomorrow

HTML by lowkeywicked