
8 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info




Male (He/They)

Sexual Orientation



5'7 (6'0)

Zodiac Sign





Chaotic Evil


Belial is one of the strongest demons in Hell working under Lucifer. He was the former Supreme Overlord of Hell before Lucifer dethroned him. He is now one of the Four Crowns of Hell, often known as the Demon of Lies and Deception. 


  • Sarcasm/Dark humor
  • Chains
  • Statues
  • Authority


  • Romance
  • Impotence
  • Morons


Belial is cruel and arrogant. He is extremely sarcastic, cunning, and one of the best manipulators in Hell. He is very tricky and hard to read because he trusts almost no one. He always lies about himself in order to further his own goals. Belial is not the most powerful in strength compared to the other Four Crowns, so he relies on his influencing skills and charisma to manipulate those around him. He has a lot of pride in himself and is not afraid to go against the rules set by people, even if they are much more powerful than him. He does not care about mortal lives and is willing to sacrifice anyone for whatever goal he must accomplish. Only among his closest friends is he blunt and honest when he is ever asked anything.

Additional Info:

  • Within the Celestial realm, the name Belial means "Demon King". It can also mean "without a master", highlighting his independent and individualistic nature. However in the mortal realm, the name is often interpreted to mean "worthless", much to Belial's dismay and annoyance.
  • Belial has two forms, true and false. His false form is the form he often occupies in order to appear less intimidating by removing most of this demon features and using a younger appearance. His true form, like its name, is his actual appearance where all his demon features are displayed on the forefront.
  • He often goes by the title, "Prince of Darkness" because a few demons (especially those who knew Belial from when he was Lord) consider him the successor to Zillah. As a result, these demons still consider Belial to the true Overlord of Hell over Lucifer.
  • He is often invited to meetings with the Seven Deadly Sins due to his position as one of the Four Crowns of Hell. However, since he's not an actual member of the Sins, he has an office swivel chair instead.