


4 years, 9 months ago


name: topaz

nickname(s): pink topaz

pronouns: she/her

gem type: topaz

size + body type: small

gem location: right upper thigh

alignment: renegade

weapon: large hammer

powers: object absorption

personality: cheeky, mischevious, fuun-loving, loyal.

quote: “yippee!! yeah!! woohoo!!”

significant other(s): 

allies:  heliodor

squad:  fire opal, brass pearl, heliodor


history: this is pink topaz, a small and cheeky little thing. a common soldier type, she guarded one of the kindergartens on earth, along with a few other topaz of various color. when the rebellion began, she was poofed before she even had a chance to fight back. at some point before she could reform, she was buried, perhaps by another topaz in a last ditch effort to save her from the fighting. it took centuries for her gem to be found, and by the time she was able to reform, she was so sensitive to light that when it struck her, she was made blind.

taking on her new form, a fear of enclosed spaces, and the inability to see, topaz formed in the company of a small collection of other gems, a minuscule fusion and a pearl. they caught her up on he world's events, and took pity on her, deciding to take her in to look after her for a while. they didn't realise at the time they'd be taking in a little gem who'd be fiercely loyal to the gems who had saved her from her earthen prison underground, and would be a close and punchy ally from then on.