


7 years, 11 months ago



【 Name 】 N-06【 Alias 】 N-06
【 Age 】 ???【 D.o.B. 】 May 06th
【 Gender 】 Male【 Sexuality 】 ???
【 Origin 】 ???【 Ethnicity 】 ???
【 Status 】 ???【 Theme 】 Pyre
【 Height 】 5'8"【 Build 】 Lanky
【 Eyes 】 N/A【 Skin tone 】 Green
【 Hair color 】 N/A【 Hair style】 N/A
【 Demeanor 】 ???【 Style 】 ???
【 Occupation 】 N/A

【 Likes 】
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【 Dislikes 】
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【 Charisma 】

【 Empathy 】

【 Patience 】

【 Stamina 】

【 Courage 】

【 Integrity 】

【 Perception 】

【 Judgement 】

【 Intelligence 】

【 Humor 】


N-06 was a German experiment that was decently successful. Scientists wanted to see if they could bring back life by taking bits of different hearts from a nearby morgue and stitching the pieces together. At first they would add bits of brain for their creation to be able to become intelligent. Those experiments always went rogue.. The creations would revolt against their creators or occasionally partake in self destruction, ripping their own intestines or breaking their jars and pulling apart their own "brain." These scientists couldn't discover what they were doing wrong. If they were to continue along this path, they would lose too many to be able to continue this experiment.

It was already proven fact that it was possible to create life again, but the hard part was now creating one that was stable enough for human interaction. Months of this continued, and many lives were lost through violent outbursts of these failed experiments. The project was no longer being aided by the government, thus making it more difficult for them to continue on. They've tried everything they could possibly think of..

I. Experiment N-01 -- Created with 50% Brain (( 4 in total )) and 50% Human hearts (( 4 in total ))

Lives Lost: 3

II. Experiment N-02 -- Created with 70% Brain ((  3 in total )) and 30% Human hearts ((  6 in total ))

Lives Lost: 5

III. Experiment N-03 -- Created with 82% Brain (( 5 in total )) and 18% Human hearts (( 2 in total ))

Lives Lost: 7

IV. Experiment N-04 -- Created with 40% Brain (( 6 in total )) and 60% Human hearts (( 7 in total ))

Lives Lost: 2

V. Experiment N-05 -- Created with 45% Brain (( 2 in total )) and 55% Human hearts (( 9 in total ))

Lives Lost: 4

VI. Experiment N-06 -- Created with 0% Brain (( 0 in total )) and 100% Human hearts (( 2 in total ))

Lives Lost: 0

It was finally discovered what made these experiments go haywire. No matter the amount of brain that went into these creatures, it would override the heart attachments, making those pieces become useless. With more or less than their “bodies” functioning, their self control goes out the window along with their ability to determine right from wrong.

Now with less than half of those involved with the project remaining, the all agreed to try one more time. To create a creature born of pure heart. Using slivers from only two different hearts, they stitched, pierced, and stuck each piece together. Fearing for the worst, they already had plenty of ammunition and pills nearby; ammo to take it down, pills to finish themselves off. With many failed experiments, they couldn’t take watching their friends or even loved ones die repeatedly after each long day. The scenes even followed them to their dreams, making these scientists paranoid and very jumpy.

N-06 was their final creation and the only one to be still among human existence to this day. This little creature is the most mellow and calmest one out of the 6. It has no bad piece of personality within its head whatsoever. It was the successful experiment.

Years had past, the horror that lied within the German town was put to rest and all those remaining were now 6 feet under due to natural causes. N-06 finds itself free among the facility and has had little to no contact to those beyond the facility despite being created for those intended purposes.


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