


4 years, 10 months ago


Name: Kelsie

Age: 6 months

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/Her or They/Them

Orientation: Due to her young age she does not have any interest or orientation.

Faction/Loner: Loner

    Physical Appearance


Munchkin cat, Siberian cat, Himalayan cat, Scottish Fold cat and American Curl cat

Physical Description: 

A small stubby kit with short legs and a slightly longer than average body. She has two scars along her face around her right (left when facing) eye. Her fur is thick and long in some places such as her stomach and chest which in turn hides her thin slightly malnourished body.


                  -  A handcrafted gasmask, it is not the most efficient due to the rough bad craft

                  -  A metal bottle closed with a cork that keeps the water cool

                  - An average sized one handled bag that she drags around, sleeps in and stores her items in.

                  - A silver kunai with old colored rags as a grip, done up nicely with a bow.

A small but silvery, young, and childish voice that will get higher the more excited/happier she gets. It is easy to tell she is female by her voice. 








Kelsie is an independent kit in many ways as she was forced to grow up this way. With her independence comes her observantness or as far as a child's observation could go. She’s persistent which when coming around to other beings is able to convince many to help her if needed, she is smart enough to know when to cling to said being for large periods of time to help survival and make it somewhat easier, but however she has not gotten attached to anyone yet.
Still being quite young she is sensitive to many things, so if you take something from her she will most likely cry. Her sensitivity however also lead to outbursts of anger or her acting before thinking.
She is a rather positive and imaginative kit. When given the chance to open up she will quite happily play and being a happy imaginative child, making up many games and stories. She is also rather positive and optimistic, this helps he keep going through each day.








Strengths & Weaknesses: 


  • She has good hearing
  • She is able to carry/drag objects that are heavier than herself due to her time dragging the heavy bag.
  • She is able to run and carry heavier loads for long periods of time
  • She can hide easily due to her small size


  • She is unable to fight properly
  • She can think to quickly often
  • She is unable to run fast


Kelsie was born in stationary store with 4 other kits. Sadly these kits did not make it due to being too weak and their mother unable to keep watch over them while looking out for zombies, and also fending off zombies that their cries would attract.. Kelsie was the only one that was strong enough and quiet enough to not attract zombies and survive long enough to begin walking.
Her mother was very independent but was also extremely protective over Kelsie but this led to her downfall. With Kelsie accidentally causing a hoard to make their way to the store. Kelsie’s mother did her best to fend off any zombies that got into the store while making sure Kelsie got to safety, which this safety was a bag that was hidden under broken tables. They were overrun and her mother took the bag with Kelsie in it and ran, making it to an abandoned basketball court and locking themselves in there… it isn't until her mother has caught her breath that she notices a bite on her front leg. With this she is led to decide if she should kill her only child or abandon them, in the end she didn't have the heart to kill her only child so she abandoned them after getting her food and water for the future, leaving her in the old unicorn themed bag. After this it is unknown whether she survived, died or became a zombie.

Kelsie lives alone in the court for 2 months before being forced to leave once food and water sources became scarce and a hoard was growing nearer each day. She packed a handmade gasmask, a metal water bottle, a rag which she used as a blanket and what little food she had left into the bag her mother had left her in. 

She would encounter other creatures in her travels and attach herself to some of them for extra protection and for more food or water. Eventually she managed to get into Tomorrow City where she relies on stealing and getting others to help her through pity, sympathy or guilt.
This would lead to her meeting Salem and managing to get her as the full time caretaker.





  • Unnamed sister (deceased)
  • Unnamed brother (deceased)
  • Unnamed brother (deceased)
  • Unnamed sister (deceased)
  • Forgotten father (unknown)
  • Sophie (deceased mother)