


4 years, 10 months ago


god of knowledge, persi's father

CATO was left disabled after a war between gods thousands of years ago. he is taken care of by his monks and his friends. He once had a lover named Cecily, who's the mother of their child, Persi. However, after the war, Cecily moved away because of Cato's memory loss*. Persi lives in a faraway town and sends letters to Cato, who doesn't know he exists.

Cato's disability is because of a traumatic brain injury which occurred during the war he was involved in. He had severe memory loss (long term memories) and now suffers from short term forgetfulness, such as not remembering someone's name or face, or where he put something down. He has extreme mood swings, anywhere from a few minutes or hours to half-years or longer in length. He is very insecure about all of this, and knows something is missing because his monks keep records that date back to before his memories. He often looses his balance, dissociates, blacks out or passes out and has psychotic episodes. His psychosis dates back to his childhood, however.

*see second paragraph