Angelica Manning



4 years, 10 months ago


📚|| Kind | Patient | Quick Witted | Attentive | Calm ||📚
📎|| Detail Oriented | Quiet | Perfectionist | Businesslike | Noncommittal ||📎 
✏️|| Amoral | Indecisive | Nonconfrontational | Pessimistic | Pedantic ||✏️

Angelica is sweet and enjoys socializing with people: she values her friends, and often surprises them by remembering their birthdays or small details. Since she's used to working with kids as a tutor, she's willing to put any irritation aside and stick with a situation in order to solve the problem. Since she's used to Myrtle, her adopted mother, often changing plans last minute and forcing her to do things she didn't anticipate, she's also developed a tendency to always think two steps aside, reading information into every single tiny movement.

The flip side of this tendency is that she often overanalyzes social interactions and can be very cynical. She will retreat into her shell if anyone seems to be confronting her, due to her experience with Myrtle- she's been taught through hard experience that rebelling only brings more pain in the long run. She's not shy, exactly, but she prefers to stay in the background and fully understand a situation before she acts; she just doesn't have much to say. She's slow to make judgements on anything, including areas of morality- living with Myrtle has showed her that nothing is ever as it seems.

Living with Myrtle has also taught her that when people ask for her opinion on things, even something as simple as what to get for dinner, they could be a ticking time bomb. Her adopted mother loves to ask her to make a choice, then berate her for making the wrong decision. Thus Angelica gets very nervous and distressed when anyone forces her to make a decision. She also tends to be anxious in general, due to always being uncertain about what her adopted parents are going to do next. 

As an adult, Angelica is just tired all the time, mostly. She's a bit strict when it comes down to it, but mostly she's fine with people misbehaving as long as it's not her responsibility to deal with them. 

Currently: Taken by Layla, but open to other ships depending on AU