Lord Alaric



4 years, 10 months ago


The night is young, my children~


Lord Alaric is the first corrupted Unikrye, leading a new tide of Unikrye awry, away from the path the gods had laid out to them for something far more sinister. He feels no remorse for his actions, waging his war on Queen Alissa. This is all her fault, after all.

  • training
  • torment
  • socializing
  • bein' a dick
  • season: winter
  • color: blue
  • food: black forest cake
  • drink: bloody mary
  • destruction
  • winning
  • hedonism
  • revenge
  • being rejected
  • the unikrye
  • being challenged
  • alissa

height: 6'
build: muscled

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- halo is fractured, only reaches halfway up his head
- floating gems are part of the halo
- wings sprout from his back, tissue is heavily scarred
- didn't lose his eye it's just closed


There's still time to fix all this~


Alaric was one of the young divines in the court, growing up in the palace gardens, carriage rides to the city proper, private tutoring within the castle walls, grand balls and opera theatres... he wasn't half as busy as his best friend, and childhood long companion, Alissa, who was constantly being groomed for the weight of the throne that was to befall her once she became of age. She would often confide in him, late at night atop the castle walls, as they stared out into the kingdom, all the things she couldn't tell others. Alaric felt special to be there for her, the only one she trusted, an honour he took quite seriously.

Looking out over the kingdom, and slowly back to her, when she spoke of the future, it was hard not to think of it as their future kingdom. He was a high-ranking divine, and the nobles spoke of it constantly, he'd overheard it - their union would make plenty of sense, and surely... Alissa feels similarly. He would smile warmly on those nights, quietly picturing their lives together.

As they grew older, Alaric became frustrated with the lack of reprimation on Alissa's side. He'd been waiting patiently for decades, complimenting her, being there for her, doing his best to be the King a Queen such as her deserved. Her eyes glittered with thankfullness and adoration, but not quite the emotion he was waiting for, or the words he wanted to hear. Annoyed, he was nonetheless never deterred, sticking to his duty to protect Alissa.

It took him a while to notice, but he did eventually notice - one of Alissa's guards was more and more commonly by her side. He ignored them for a long time, but eventually, it was obvious enough even to an entitled prince that Alissa's eye had finally been caught - by someone else. He was furious - how could she pick some common peasant over him? They aren't even a divine! There was no way their union would be granted. Alissa was still inevitably his. He will allow her this dalliance.

eventually, I'll be your only choice~

Imagine his horror, then, when the dalliance did not fade, when Alissa managed to convince the nobles and elders that bringing in a mere commoner could be productive. Alaric finally stepped in, trying to remove the problem for good, before they caused any more trouble. His plan did not go through, however, and for his attempts to preserve both kingdom and family, he was banished from the kingdom.

Disgraced and infuriated, Alaric wandered through the forests, contemplating ending his own life. Would the gods accept him into heaven? Perhaps as a ghost he could still watch over his beloved. He stopped as he realized he'd reached the end of the Unikrye territory, past here... was the corruption.

With nothing left to live for, he continued through the underbrush, unaware he was about to change the course of history forever.

With a new deal placed with the dark lord, Alaric was born anew - his white and blue pastel mane darkening to a burning black and red, his useless angellic wings shed for demonic abbhorations reminiscent of the great Dragon gods - he was an affront to the Unikrye, and he loved it. If Alissa would toss him away, he would do her one better - topple her reign, leading the charge of the corruption of Aueria, converting and murdering her beloved Unikrye, until she had nothing left.

Then she would see the failure of her actions, and come to her senses. Once he had taken everything from her, she would come willingly. All this trouble she caused, oh darling, I hope it was worth it.

ears: uncommon
horn: divine (shattered crown)
halo: divine (shattered crown)
wings: divine (shattered halo)
blessing: divine (gembound)
total rating: divine


divine weapon

Using the divine power burning within him, Lord Alaric can conjure infinite spears comrpised entirely of holy light, able to pierce through and burn the flesh of those he deems as enemies.


holy light

Like all divines, Alaric is able to channel the holy light through him, creating a blinding, incinerating light around himself. Standing too close to this attack is excruciating.



A gift from the Dark Lord themself, Alaric is able to spread the corruption and convert Blessed Unikrye into Corrupted Unikrye. The recipient of the corruption must be willing and desire corruption for it to work.



All Divines are able to fuse with their twin spirit. If Alaric ever finds his, he will be able to fuse.



name Lord Alaric
age Timeless
gender Male
pronouns he/they
orientation Bi
Title Lord of the Fallen
song info
obtained me
value priceless
status lore
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