


4 years, 10 months ago



Name Raith
Designer Sixbane
Gender Male
ObtainedSelf created
Significant Other None
Rules None
Species Waretempus

RolePack leader

  • Basically an alien werewolf but instead of a wolf he's a bit dinosaur looking thing

Raith is a cold and calculated leader who comes across as stoic and serious most of the time. He doesn't really enjoy goofing off and is very goal and strategy oriented. Despite his demanor, he's very kind and caring, and genuinely wants the best for everyone, and will go to great lengths working himself into the dirt to try and make sure everyone is safe in a harsh enviornment that doesnt seem to want them there.

Because he's so busy with his work and missions to make his world and civilization a better place, he struggles to keep himself afloat sociall and as a result often ends up isolated or treated like 'the bad guy' for simply being authority. Ultimately, he's willing to accept that if it means keeping the peace among his people


  • His culture is divided into "Feral" and "Civilized". Whether their creature form is more dominant- or human form. Both are technically the same in terms of physicality, however- their social aspects and cultures are dramatically different due to different lifestyles. Raith is one of the first successful merging of the two that proves that its only a matter of raising, and he strives to help the two groups find compromise. 
  • This species lives on Euthoria, though they live underground in deep glowing caverns sprawling below the planet's surface. 
  • He was trained and grew up under strict military training, meaning he tends to come across as harsh and demanding at times. 

Raith is the son of one of a leader, of the most vicious of the packs dwelling in the deep caves systems. He was, as an egg, stolen from their pack by the CIvilized and ended up the first of many attempts to be a success in incubation by those not of his own kind. He was raised among them as a prize, a trophy to mock and try to get a leg up on the shifters posing a threat to them, at the detriment to his own wellbeing. Determined to try to change the way people saw him, he decided to set out to try and find a way to remove his curse to be "Normal."

His brother was the current leader of the pack, closest to the humans and having high aggression and tensions towards them. Though he did not know him to any extent. He is technically a born leader, but due to how he was raised he doesn't appear it and doesn't have an aggressive personality, though he is easily capable of becoming a leader and taking over situations when provoked or given good enough cause. He might not be as strong or sturdy as the brutish alphas of tradition and other packs; but his mind is his greatest weapon and poses plenty of threat on its own. It was his mind that led him to defeat his brother, and become the new leader of his birth-pack, using his technology and skills in finesse to maintain leadership and try to introduce them to a better and safer lifestyle for everyone involved.


  • Safety and peace
  • Reading and learning
  • Swimming
  • Napping (When he can)

  • Violence and disorder
  • Being underestimated
  • Threats to his people 
  • Goofing off

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.