Anika Varma



4 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info






22 December




SHSL Roller Derby Star

Roller Derby is a contact sport where the goal is for the ‘jammer’ to lap members of the other team to score points. Anika’s specially is as jammer, shown by the star on her helmet, she play both offence and defence, against other jammers. Other roles are blockers and pivots, at the Ultimate Roller Derby Star, she can play any role and help lead her team to victory. Anika’s fame doesn’t come just from her youth and speed but from several viral videos of her making unconventional moves to break through a pack.

+ persevering | loyal | empathetic +

Growing up with little, Anika learned young that she had to give and take as much as she could in life if she was meant to survive. Skating was a hobby but from her childhood, or more specifically, it was her main mode of transport across the sprawling suburb she called home. After discovering derby, and the prize money at the end of a tournament, Anika trained daily to improve herself.

She’s close with her family, they’ve never done anything wrong by her and she loves them for it. Even if she might not admit it. Most of her winnings go to her parents and twin younger sisters, they are the reason she gets up every morning so it’s the least she can do.

– aloof | hostile | imprudent –

Early into middle school Anika started being labeled a delinquent by her teachers and peers. It wasn’t her fault all the adults around her turned a blind to the rich kids who bullied her relentlessly. She grew a tougher exterior and started acting out, sometimes violently, in order to defend herself. Her reputation stuck long after the bullies stopped, and she slowly started to internalise other people's views of her. Mostly keeps to herself, save for the few in her main derby team who learnt to look past the rumors.


Anika grew up poor but loved. She was the eldest of three, and was often in charge of caring for her younger sisters when her parents were stuck working long hours to make ends meet. She got her first pair of skates when she was 10 years old, she regretted begging for them, but the freedom and power they gave her made it all worth it. She skated to school, to the grocer and to the park to talk to other kids. They were The Thing to have at the time, and for a little while she was cool. But it didn’t last long, and she never understood why, but kids are mean, especially these ones and they wanted someone below them.

Fast forward to high school. Anika had been bullied relentlessly by her peers and whatever veneer of childish joy she had was long gone. She was avoided by almost everyone in her town, with the exception of her own family. She started skipping school and found herself wrapped up in a gang shortly after. Her violence and anger was rewarded and encouraged. Her parents, perpetually working, never really noticed the severity of Anika’s problems, but her little sisters did. They saved every penny and bought her a new pair of rollerskates and make her promise to go compete in a local derby competition. Anything to get her out of her bubble.

She couldn’t say no to them, though at the time she barely knew was derby was. She joined a team, swapping her pink gang colours for the local team’s yellow. Training gave her a sense of purpose and she picked up the tricks of the game quickly. The prize money was also a huge motivator- there was no way she wouldn’t pay her sisters back for their gift.

With the help of their new member the team rose up the ladder and won the finals. From there is was only natural she continued. Another tournament won and she was scouted to join a more professional league. The promise that she’d get to play and the chance to win even bigger prizes was the only encouragement she needed. She started getting recognised by derby fans, some of her jams going viral within the niche following. She broke a record for winning the most official tournaments within 6 months, securing her status as the Ultimate Roller Derby Star. Her acceptance letter came shortly after and she returned home to discuss the choice with her family. Truth be told, she hadn’t really attended school properly for years so the idea of going back now seemed wrong. But as always, her sisters told her to go, and she couldn’t say no.

► Ballet, learnt as a child but she’ll never admit it
► Flexible and lightweight, she’s good at limbo and jumps and it shows in her jams
► Big sis energy
► Communication? Anger management? What's that?
► Prone to addiction and substance abuse