
4 years, 9 months ago


Elf Mix
Champion of Cyrodiil


Rena's story starts on the 27th of last seed in the year of akatosh 433 in the closing days of the third era (3E 433). She will work her way up multiple positions in guilds and become the Champion of Cyrodiil during the run of her story. Rena's Mother is a Dunmer woman who comes from a noble house that is highly looked up to. The members of this specific house are known for their extremely pale skin which makes them stand out, even among their dunmer peers. Rena's father is a man of a Bosmer and Imperial mix which makes Rena a Dunmer/Bosmer/Imperial mix.

Rena is a confident and sarcastic woman wo knows her strenghts. She can be as kind as loving as she can be scary and intimidating it always depends on who she is talking to. She prefers to not be serious but she will put on a serious face is needed. She is very loyal to the ones she loves but can be a bit of a hypocrite when it comes to her morals.


  • gems
  • daggers
  • spending time with loved ones
  • making jokes
  • quests


  • getting disrespected
  • carrying too many things
  • the mythic dawn
  • zombies
  • slaughterfish
"You... I've seen you... let me see your face... you are the one from my dreams"


Rena was born in Morrowind to a Noble Dunmer Mother and an Imperial/Bosmer father. Her mothers noble status did not allow her to have children or marry someone outside of her own class or race, but she ignored that as she fell deeply in love with the half-bosmer man. Rena's mother was exiled from the family after Rena's birth as she could no longer hide her relationship with her lover past this point. The Two of them lived for a while on Morrowind, trying to raise their daughter in peace before Rena's mother got nervous thinking her family would sent someone after them. To be safe, they moved to Valenwood. Rena was raised by both of her parents as an only child. She never met anyone of her family from her Mothers side, but she did meet her grandparents from her fathers side as they came to visit them multiple times. Her grandparents lived in Cyrodiil until they moved to Valenwood to support Rena's parents.

Rena's childhood was mostly normal and she grew into a woman. At the age of 32, she decided it's time to leave Valenwood and explore the world on her own. She wanted to return to Morrowind and learn about the culture as well as visiting Cyrodiil and learning about her roots there. She decided she would travel to Cyrodiil first and visit Morrowind after. She said goodbye to her family and left on a mission to explore her roots. After arriving on the border to Cyrodiil, she failed to show the proper paperwork and was deemed "suspicious". She was arrested right then and there, being thrown into the Imperial City jail.

She only spent a singular day in the jail however as, while she was contemplating the murder of her cell neighbor Valen Dreth, the emperor himself entered her jail cell. She figured out that the cell she was in was nor supposed to be occupied as it was a secret passage out of the building to ensure the safety of the emperor who was getting targeted by the cult known as the mythic dawn. Rena was allowed to follow the Emperor and his blades out of the jail into freedom. The emperor sadly did not make it and was killed during a fight. His last wish was for Rena to find his son and save Cyrodiil from a Daedric invasion. Rena, feeling guilt for not being able to save the man and feeling like she owed him her freedom, decided to accept his plead and find his son.

On her quest to meet the son of the emperor who was called Martin, Rena fell head first into multiple other conflicts. She joined every guild she could find, fascinated with Cyrodiil and it's people. She met multiple people she would call friends, taking them along on some of her adventures. Rena was spending a lot of her free time in the Arena until she was faced to fight the Arena Champion, Agronak gro-Malog. She requested of her to do him a favor first so she did as she was told. She discovered that his father was a vampire and the orc was so distraught over this that he lost his fighting spirit. When meeting him in the arena, he refused to fight back and Rena felt awful seeing the pain in his eyes as he begged her to just kill him. Getting over the feeling of guilt, she felt that the only fair thing would be to give him what he wishes for. As she took his life she felt a cold shiver run down her spine as if someone knew what had happened and that this wasn't a fight, but a murder.

Feeling more strange than usual, she decided to rest at her little home in the Imperial City Waterfront. It was not the most luxurious of homes that she bought herself with the money she made from the Arena and her other duties, but it was good enough to sleep in. Only that she barely slept that night. She was woken up in the middle of the night by the strange feeling of a shadow entering her room. That was when Rena met Lucien Lachance and was recruited into the Dark Brotherhood. Despite her initial hesitance, she could not help but agree to the invitation of the interesting man that had snuck into her house. She was usually extremely alert, even when sleeping so she was impressed by his skill to enter without her even truly noticing. The two of them got to chat a bit, and Lucien seemed to find Rena quite curious as well. He agreed to meet her again after she finished her entry quest to the brotherhood. She had to kill a man named Rufio. Rena was still unsure as to how she felt about the whole thing but after approaching Rufio in the Inn of Ill Omen trying to figure out why someone wanted the man dead she learned that he had murdered a woman for fighting back and refusing him, and with that she had no issue taking his life. Pushing his lifeless body info the corner of the room, she dusted off the bed he slept in and laid down. It took her a while to fall asleep as adrenaline was rushing through her body but eventually she drifted off to a short sleep.

Lucien once again appeared in the room without her notice, waking her up. He was impressed by her work and welcomed her into the Brotherhood. He gave her directions as to what to do next and who to talk to. Once again the two of them talked more in depth, exchanging quick laughs and interested looks. Lucien gave in and explained to Rena where she could find him and would be delighted to meet her again. The both of them promised to keep their meetings secret as they did not want to cause any issues in the brotherhood. So Rena visited the brotherhoods sanctuary and met Lucien's two adopted Children Ocheeva and Teinaava. Rena instantly felt at home with the people present. Despite the fact that they were horrible people, Rena felt a deep connection to them and liked them a lot. She would talk a lot to Ocheeva and Teinaava as well as Vicente Valtieri. Vicente had offered to turn Rena into a Vampire later on but she politely refused. Rena and Lucien would build up a relationship and confess their feelings for each other. They kept their relationship a secret but that was fine for both of them as they were just happy to have each others company. Rena was not present for a while in the Brotherhood, as she was away with Martin solving the Oblivion Crisis and saving not only Cyrodiil but all of Tamriel. She was saddened by losing Martin along the way as he sacrificed himself to protect the people. Rena returned to her work in the brotherhood, hoping it would distract her from the pain of losing her friend. However, the news Lucien would bring here would be the opposite.

Lucien told her she would have to kill everyone at the sanctuary as there was a traitor in their mids. She refused before Lucien had to insist on it, and confessing that it hurt him to but it had to be done. So Rena did as she was told and eradicated every member of the sanctuary that was like family to her. And at the end it did not change anything at all, as the traitor was able to escape her judgement, sending her on a wild goose chase unknowingly killing members of the brotherhood. Lucien was beyond shocked and they talked about it, before he told her to meet him at applewatch farm to go through their next steps. Rena discovered the traitors lair and found out they held a grudge against Lucien. She ran out of the hideout as fast as she could, trying to meet Lucien as soon as possible to tell him what she found. However when she arrived it was already too late, Lucien had been killed by the Black hand, thought to be a traitor. Rena felt only numb after this, unable to bring out a word of what she found. She opened her bag in front of every member present and threw the head on the table she had taken with her from the traitors hide out. Most of the members looked at her confused, however Mathieu Bellamont looked at her with fear in his eyes that he tried to hide. His eyes went nervously between her and the head, trying to ignore it. Rena kept her mouth shut as rage took over the numbness. Eventually exposing Mathieu as the traitor and taking his life, she was now the listener of the Dark Brotherhood.

Rena was grieving Lucien's death, visiting the place of his death multiple times leaving flowers, gems and other things she deemed nice. She tried distracting herself by climbing up the ranks in other guilds such as the Mages Guild, the Thieves Guild and the Fighters Guild. However after completing them all and still feeling unfulfilled she decided to check what the rumors of a strange door were about. Meeting a daedric prince face to face, Rena was brought in as Sheogorath's champion and was tasked with stopping the black marsh. Rena loved Sheogorath as he was so unpredictable which made him anything but boring. Rena also loved Haskill as she thought he was quite fun to talk to, giving her the sass she usually throws at others. Feeling at home once again Rena enjoyed her time on the Shivering isles until it was clear what would happen next. She fought Jyggalag and took over Sheogoraths position of Daedric Prince of Madness. Rena enjoyed that title for a while before it all became a bit too much to manage. She had to run multiple guilds and factions and the stress of it was simply getting too intense to handle it all. So she decided to try something out. Rena worked on a a special version of a flesh atronach, using her own blood for it. She was very precise creating this creature making it look identical to a human. Having her own energy and blood flow into this creation as she awoke it, it shared her memories of the recent events. Though the creations memories seemed to only start after she entered Cyrodiil. She lovingly called this creation "Sheogorath" giving her title as Daedric Prince of Madness to him through adding a gem as his heart containing a part of herself and the power. With that a new Sheogorath was born and she was free from the burden.

Giving away a lot of her leading positions to close friends and trusted allies, she found time for herself again. Just classic going on small quests for people and exploring old ruins. She enjoyed the time she could spent doing things that seemed so mundane compared to the rest of what had happened. She still visited Lucien's grave all the time, just talking to it and expressing how she misses him. After getting back to her duties as listener, a title she wasn't able to just give away, the Nightmother spoke to her as she was picking up the next contract. She confessed that she had watched Rena and sees how much she misses Lucien and with that, grants her the spell to summon his ghost once a day. Rena thanks the Nightmother, giving the next contract to the new sanctuary before leaving to one of her homes to test out the spell. She felt as if she was dreaming when she was able to actually talk to Lucient again, and not just talk to a corpse and expect it to understand. After multiple years however, she simply vanished. No one truly knew where she went, not even her closest friends. It was as if she simply never existed and there was no trace to where she went. Her friends held up the positions in the guilds for her, speculating and worrying about where she went but their question never truly got an answer. 200 years later Rena's name is mostly a myth, a legend and no one is truly sure what happened to the Champion of Cyrodiil, where she is and if she may even still be alive, hiding somewhere deciding that she had enough action in her life.


She has tattoos around her eyes

She is always seen wearing make up

She is 1,60 m tall

Her hair is long and tied up in a ponytail

Her ears are pointed

Her skin is light gray

Her Make Up is dark purple


She loves collecting Daggers

She loves collecting gems

She loves Strawberries and Sweetcake

Her favorite type of bread is S'jirra's Famous Potato Bread

She has multiple homes all over Cyrodiil

She adores collecting Welkynd Stones and Varla Stones

I originally made her in early 2018



Lucien Lachance

Lucien and Rena were dating in secret while she was serving in the Brotherhood. They have found interest in eachother after their first meeting and decided to meet multiple times to get to know eachother until they eventually confessed to being in love.


Martin Septim

Martin and Rena grew to be close friends during the events of their story. Rena will always believe he would have made an incredible emperor.



Kayla is one of Rena's closest friends.



Calaena is one of Rena's closest friends.

HTML by Eggy