


4 years, 10 months ago



Cave-dwelling Alien were-dinosaurs



120-125 years

Average Height

5'5 feet

Average Weight

~200 lbs



Location Found

Euthoria Undergrounds


Waretempus live in the underground cave systems of Euthoria


Weretempus have very humanlike social structures and civilizations, but with rigid class structure depending on someone's feather features at birth

Group Organization

Waretempus are scattered, with some living in large modernized cities while others deeper in the caves living in traditional clans

Hunting & Diet

Waretempus eat anything they can get a hold of, but cave mushrooms and other common cave critters are pretty typical. They mass produce farms of mushrooms and cave dwelling lichens and plants. 


Waretempus have standard mammalian reproduction, but lay scaled eggs that eventually hatch into younglings. They have historical mating seasons but over time these have faded to unnoticable by the general populace. Higher class feathers/rankings tend to be seen as more attractive but mateships can occur between any individuals. 

Life Cycle

Waretempus lay 1-2 eggs per clutch, and the parents care for them dilligently. Typically once born, the young are born as their shifted/dinosaur-like forms as larvae, before eventually developing the ability to shift into humanoid forms. They attach to one parent at birth, so if there are two its traditional that each parent attempts to imprint on one youngling each. They will stick to this parent until around 5 years of age. 


Waretempus are average in health, similar to a human. Various factors like diet and adaptability as an individual play into this. 


They communicate in their common tongue, but may also use chitters, growls, and hisses 


Waretempus are alien shapeshifters who can take the form of a dinosaur-like alien beast. They can control this shifting sometimes, but under the passing of their planet's moon if exposed- they will be forced to shift similar to a werewolf (This is due to the specific radioactive light expelled from their moon). They live deep in the caves under the planets surface because the surface is uninhabitable (by their abilities), but as they become more and more societally advanced they try more and more to branch out and survive in this harsh landscape. They live in a mix of modernized cities and wild tribes- depending on how dedicated they are to their old ways/traditions, with the more modern individuals living nearer the surface while the old clans dwell in the deepest parts of the cave system.

They are a heavily class based society, with leaders- medics- young caretakers-ect being determined frequently by the feathers that they're born with. (The layout...the colors...ect) can determine someones entire life. While they have made some strides in overcoming this they have a long way to go to totally bypass these age-old views.

They have excellent eyesight and climbing ability, and their creature forms can scale cave walls with ease. Their glowing features help them pinpoint each other in the dark. 

There are some who choose to live permanently as creatures, and rarely if ever return to their humanoid form, though they typically always possess the ability unless terribly injured.

There is tensions between the cities and the clans, as they both detest each other's ways of life, and its not unheard of for them to steal eggs from each other to raise them "Properly" and for fights to break out. While they aren't inherently a violent race, conflict between wildly different approaches to living naturally raise such things. Generally, they try and avoid each other but that's not always possible. 

They live on the same planet as Sneko, but rarely interact with the other species since the Sneko live aboveground. They are only vaguely aware of each other's existances. 


Waretempus are naturally evolved fauna of their planet that developed sentience and civilization 

They evolved their humanoid forms as a direct extension of a former 'fully evolved' form they used to have, standing on two legs, that eventually became this. (This form was more akin to a t-rex or raptor); this is now no longer present in their genetics but in return the humanoid form is a natural state of many individuals.