


4 years, 10 months ago


Apprentice of VineClan

8 moons old

Mother: Saplingleaf

Father: Snakeheart

It may just be her desire to be independent and be treated as more than a kit, but Emberpaw is not very loyal to her Clan. She eats prey whenever she’s hungry, and it’s rare she’ll actually bring prey back to camp. She doesn’t focus during training sessions with her mentor, the no-nonsense Quillpatch. Their relationship is rather strained from the usual warmth of a mentor and apprentice. Emberpaw is short-tempered, and usually expects to get whatever she wants. But that doesn’t make her heartless; Emberpaw cares very much about her family and friends. She looks up to her uncle Wolfcatcher deeply, and strives to be as strong and brave as him, but only in those ways alone. She only believes in brute strength as her best defense, and not in the morals of her mentor. It doesn’t help that her mother, Saplingleaf, blindly supports Emberpaw in paving her own, misguided path. But her best friend, Mistletoepaw, is trying to shape her out. She’s trying to teach Emberpaw humility, and how to treat others with respect. Will she succeed? Only StarClan knows.