


7 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info








Virion, Frederick, Camilla


Keyblade-user, Stand User, Hamon User, Pokemon Trainer (Formerly), Trickster (FE:A Class), Adventurer (Fates Class),


Professional SJW

Insert World

The Lucky Land (JJBA + Araki's Works World)

Personal Keyblade Name

Stained Light

Keyblades Possessed

Fire Emblem (FE:A), Blood Stream (Battle Tendency), Grey Waves (Fire Emblem Fates), Purple Thorns (Friendship with Joseph Joestar),

Stand Name



Klinka (Formerly Kaine)

Pre War Personality

Brash and cheerful, always willing to lend a hand. Looking out for people and can sometimes get judgemental of others

Post War Personality

Sad Knight In Sour Armor


A former champion for good who fought a war but failed because of sheer numbers. Often appears glum and sad, but will usually try to help others. Gets very sappy and romantic when talking about love or participating in it. The best liar out of the bunch.


Virion, Frederick, Camilla (Spouses), Celeste and Asterie (Children)

Patron Dreamer



19 (When inserted) - 23 (Currently)


❗❗Abuse, Ableism, and Transphobia implied! ❗❗


Aidel was unhappy with their life, and so they inserted into the Lucky Land (Part 2, 1930s era) with a keyblade. They heard the voice of a god in their head, named Actia, telling them that Caesar Zeppeli had to live. Actia was silent on the reason why, saying that she had to keep this a secret from The Clockmaster and talking already like this was risky, but Aidel didn't mind.

Aidel adored Caesar, and so they saved his life. And Caesar loved them, for a time.

The Clockmaker did not like this. Ever. He was furious. How dare this upstart Insert change his story? The Lucky Land was under HIS dominion. He was a GOD. And so, he made Caesar leave Aidel. But Caesar didn't know why he broke up with them, considering how he was happy with them. And so, he always hated on Aidel, for daring to love Caesar and to save his life.

Actia, meanwhile, contacted two more of her charges--Klinka and Kaine. Klinka and Kaine were also inserts who took on Actia as a Patron Dreamer. Aidel wanted to form a small adventuring party with the two, with the sole purpose of fighting and saving other worlds.

Soon, this party grew. Parties like this weren't rare at all, but this was special to Aidel. They were called The Blades of Light. Aidel had a group of friends, finally, and it seemed pretty good! It seemed nice! Yeah, the group got a little divisive sometimes, what if some of the group members talking behind each other's backs and making fun of the others, saying slurs as if they were jokes, and sometimes even suggesting they take aggessive actions bordering on conquest. (Those suggestions were quickly shot down, but still, it was worrying.) It became harder, and harder, to maintain peace. Although the threat of the Heartless menace kept them together, Aidel would frequently wonder how long it would last.

Kaine and Aidel became a dream team, together. As leaders, they was nothing they couldn't accomplish. They both had different views on various subjects, and this sometimes lead to nice things! Aidel often times cared about the feelings and concern of others, Kaine wasn't afraid to put his foot down.

That's what they appeared to be. Really, I don't wish to go into detail but Kaine was pretty abusive of Aidel, often times telling them that they couldn't make good decisions because they were autistic or that they weren't REALLY nonbinary, but they were actually a girl and that it was so awkward to use they/them pronouns, just stop fighting them! And other horrid stuff. He often times would try to pressure Aidel in a romantic relationship, but Aidel refused him every time. Kaine also treated Klinka in a similar way, because she was also autistic and nonbinary. It sucked for them.

It culminated in a massive failure on the planet of Ylisse, where Aidel was forced to kill the man The Blades of Light were trying to convince to end a war. (This man was, btw, Chrom's father.)

Aidel just sighed and continued with this. Kaine suggested one day, however, that they outright take over other worlds because convincing people to listen to them was too inefficient. It was better to protect them. Aidel struck this down, immediately, as they were a history buff and knew how this would end. Kaine was not happy with that.

He eventually, sabotaged Aidel's ship to crash and for Aidel to die. On the way to visit the Lucky Land, the ship experienced heavy malfunctions and crashed onto Ylisse. But Aidel survived, thanks to their stand, Xanadu. (It works by lying to reality essentially, in this case as long as Aidel's fall was broken, they wouldn't die. Their fall was broken by trees.)

Aidel was discovered by Frederick, who was going out into the woods to search for firewood. Aidel got embroiled into a time travel plot and got into a poly relationship with Virion and Frederick. Thanks to the time travel plot, they had two kids who came from the future--Celeste and Asterie, kids they had with Virion and Frederick, respectiviely.

After the whole thing ended, Aidel was called back to the Blades of Light base by Klinka, who smelled a rat in the group. The two of them found out Kaine was behind it, and Klinka and Aidel had a fight. Aidel could not kill him--even though they recognized his behavior was bad, they couldn't destroy him. Aidel regretted not killing him, to this day.

Kaine and Aidel had a war, called the Broken Blade war by all the members of the group. Because this war split the group in half. Aidel lost it, thanks to sheer numbers thanks to Kaine's powers of creating near-infinite men. Kaine created the Alliance of Worlds. Meanwhile, Aidel had a few others of the Awakening kids, but they also bought Celeste and Asterie with them. Bad Future!Aidel had passed down the keyblade to Celeste.

But then, at a catastrophic battle above Ivalice, Marche, who was helping defend Ivalice with Aidel, betrayed them. It was at this point that they gave up. Aidel fled from the resistance and liberation effort they helped to create and ran to the Fire Emblem Sector, the one place they felt the most comfortable in.

They ran to the world of Fire Emblem Fates, and stayed there. 

Until a visitor, Pat, appears...and reignites the fire they once had inside Aidel to fight once more.