Night (Digimon-sona) (Patamon (Night))



1 year, 9 months ago



That Rebel Digimon

  • Level: Child
  • Type: Mammal / Tiny Beast
  • Attribut: Virus / Data
  • Field: Nature Spirit / Nightmare Soldiers

A mammal Digimon with large ears that recalls wings. They are able to fly through the air by using their ears, but because they only goes at a speed of 1 km/h, it is said that they are definitely faster walking. Unlike individuals of its species, Night doesn't have hidden Holy Powers. It is said that this Digimon's datas are infused with the power of Fallen Angels and Nature Deities, making of them a creature belonging to the Beast's family. They also carry within them a mysterious virus.


  • Healer

Can regenerate HP, and/or heal status problems (like paralysis, burn, confusion, etc...) on themselves, on friends, and on Digimon-allies.


  • Fireball Shot: (element: fire) spit fireballs on the foes.
  • Hane Binta: Slaps foe with its ears.
  • Patamon => Garurumon => Weregarurumon => Mastemon: [Their Natural Beast Digivolution] It's the digivolution that occur the more often for this Digimon and it's linked to the positive emotions and light element. The Digimon is rather nice and friendly, but they are also very protective and don't hesitate to protect their firends or those they love.
  • Patamon => Sangloupmon => Weregarurumon => Mastemon: [Their Alternative Digivolution] This digivolution is linked to the negative emotions and dark element (moderate). It occurs when the Digimon is subject to great stress, sadness, or even anger. The Digimon becomes rather grumpy and choleric, and may withdraw into themselves. However, they still masters themselves enough and recognizes their friends from their foes.
  • Patamon => Lamortmon: [Their Dark/Extreme Digivolution] This digivolution is linked to the negative emotions and dark element. It only occurs in extreme cases, like where the Digimon is subject to very strong negative emotions (For example: a deep sadness, an unforgivable betrayal, or when they see the one they love die in front of their eyes and they are powerless in the face of the situation, ...). By digivolving in this form, the Digimon becomes out of control, berseker and no longer distinguish between friend and foe. Fortunately, this digivolution is unstable and cannot last long over time, because it requires a lot of energy, and even prevents the Digimon from reaching its ultimate level. This digivolution naturally breaks after a certain time, forcing the Digimon to return to their child form, and to become normal again.
  • Patamon => GulusGammamon => Regulusmon: [Their Natural Draconic Digivolution] It's a natural alternative digivolution-line to the Beast-line. Howerver it occurs more under the dark element, that means that the Digimon can be more ferocious, but they are still very protective toward those they love, and can be very loyal and reliable.




Code by Hanae